By Mistress Magger Kittie

my name... is myzery.

me and christ, we’re old friendz. we go waaay back.

A cold winters day, snow turning the road into a deatH tRap. me and christ driving about in the conditions cuz we both lack a few brain cells.

it occurs to our loRd and Savior, that windsheild washer fluid might be something helpful in this weather. I tell him it could be a lifesaver.

“like bacon.” he says, smart ass that he is.

“Yes... just like bacon. As a matter of fact, bacon DID save my life once.”

shocked silence.

“oh yeah? How’s that?”

“Well, let me tell the tale...”


There was once a time when i wasn’t nearly so sane as i am now. Thoughts of murder and pain used to plague my mind. Friendz were a commodity that i simply didn’t have. And a demon with 2 faces had stolen my heart & hidden it away in a castle on a hill.

There were many adventures and much pain and misery (my namesake) before I realized that in order to go on, my heart needed to be set free. Set fire. Frozen.

An epic journey to the castle fair.... in the interest of time, the details shall be forgotten. A witch with a black heart, that meant to do me harm, ended up being the only thing to help me.

As i approached the draw-bridge, a piercing shriek wrent the sky. The castle surrounded by a veil of shadow. The cold seeping straight thru to the bone... i shivered. i cried. i continued on.

icy winds blasted me. and the fiery breath of serpents burned my skin. But none could make me turn around. i had finally made up my mind, and there was no going back.

dark and cold. dank and dreary. endlessly romantic. everything you would expect a castle to be. But no hope was waiting inside it’s doors. only loneliness.

Corridors that seemed to go on forever. somehow I kept walking. Never once looking back. determined.

I almost tripped. Once. Twice. Three... times. but i never wavered, and i alwayz regained my balance.

I came to a door. Closed tight, but with a soft glow around its edges. i approached and took a deep breath. breath girl, breath. I went to move... it opened on its own. Ever so slowly. Creaking as it went... in such a way as to give me chills. cause a rippling thru my whole body. i need this. i do.

Thru tunnel vision, it revealed to me a table in the center of the room. On that table was but one thing. A glass box. Contained in that glass box was an item that glowed so brightly, the human eye could not distinguish what it was.

Finally... i hesistated. In awe of what was before me. Breath. breath. i stepped forward. the room moved. i swayed on my feet. dizziness overtook me. i kept walking. ever closer. time was going backwards. years past. seconds maybe. i made it to the table. i laid my hands upon the glass. it felt so cold... it burned. i almost passed out. instead the box opened. blinded me with it’s light.

of all thingz to find... it was a super ball. it was cloudy and blue and filled with swirls. but when i reached for it, it bounced away. i began to cry. the earth started to shake, and the ground beneath me cracked and crumbled. i couldn’t find the strength to move. soon... i was falling.

when i hit the ground... i knew it was going to hurt. somehow... i never felt the pain.

thoughts racing.

had my hEart escaped? What had broken my fall? Where the hell was I anyway? A million questions. not a single answer. Or was there?

I heard movement behind me. Felt a slight gust of wind. slither. hiss. slither. hiss. Whisper in my ear... yet again... i miss the sweet sound of ur voice. Gentle caress. she letz u in. Goddess – what’s happening to me?

will power. breath... breath.


anger. yes... embrace the anger. fucking die. die. die. fucking die. i don’t love you anymore. i will love you forever. i will hate you for longer. it’s over. it’s fucking over. no more chances. no more excuses. no more games. no more lies.

my heart is free.

i packed my bags and i paid the pied piper.

i went home. And ate bacon. sometimez... life is good. i still like cows better. maybe i’ll have some beef tommorow.

“myzery loves company. me and myzery, we’re old friendz. we go waaay back.” he says.