By Alsvartr and Vampy

Being extremly bored and angry, the man known as Veal went to the local orphanage and stole a kid. He then took the child to the middle of the woods and gouged his eyes out, laughing. The child was screaming in pain which only made this libertine more ecstatic while carving up the small child's body... once the child was dead, the fun wasnt over, Veal took his knife and cut a hole in the child's stomach and then proceded to fuck the hole.

Reaming the hole, blood started to spray everywhere, nastily covering his body. after the man spurted his seed he staggered up and walked outta the woods to a street. a car came outta nowhere hitting the man.Driving the car was a tightly dressed female activist, go figure.She proceeded to step outta the car and piss on the man before viciously driving away laughing.

As this woman sped away from the scene, she bagan to finger her tight pussy, Getting off from the thought of that dead man. Being too busy pleasuring herself, she crashed into a telephone pole. After hitting the pole she wasn't quite dead yet and had just enough life in her to give her one final orgasm before she died.

Stroling down the street were a couple of homeless bums.Seeing the scene in disbelief they pulled the woman from the car and saw what she was doin they giggled to each other as the one pulled his dick out and jammed it into the womens cunt.She screamed in pain as the other jammed his dick in her ass.The bums cackled with glee as they fucked the life right outta her.They soon came in her nose and ear and kicked her in the face.

Given the fact that these bums were fucking the woman's corpse for quite a while, someone noticed this and called the cops. The pigs showed up at the scene of the accident and were horified by what the bums were doing. Out of nowhere though, one of the cops just looked at the other cop and started to bludgeon him with his nightstick. He beat the shit out of the other cop and then ran towards the bums, impaling one on the nightstick. He then decapitated the same bum with a pocket knife and beat the other bum with the head. He then began carving body parts off of the 2 bums, the other cop and the woman, then sewing them together to make a really nice puppet. he then picked up this mangled, stiched together corpse and waltzed all oer the street with it.

The puppet started to walk into in coming traffic and was smashed to bits, the pig was highly inraged and started to chase the car down the street just before he himself was smashed by another car.At the wheel was a 90 year old women she pulled the car into a dark field and peeled the pig off the hood.

she looked at the bloody cadaver and was instantly turned on. She put the corpse back on the hood to try and fuck it, but she reliezed that the body didnt have a hard on. she became very frustrated and tossed the body off a cliff and got back in her car, going on a search for a dead man with a boner.

On here quest she noticed the bums right out side the field and stepped outta the car.She then proceeded to stradle the one bum and started to bouce up and down till her hip snapped.She started to crawl into the street for help but she soon became road kill with a few cars driving over her *bump , bump* like a bloody speed bump.

It was about this time that the orphanage noticed that one of the kids were missing. They searched the woods near the orphanage and were shocked at the scene they found. the child was most obiously dead, yet the people were begging the child to get up. One of them picked up the bloody corpse, standing it on its feet saying, "see? he's ok". The other man standing there got pissed off and picked up a near by pickaxe and hit the other kid in the head with it, impaling him in the forehead. He couldnt resist it any longer and fucked the hole created by the pickaxe.

All the children were screaming and running for thier lives....except the 3 female teachers 1 was in her early 20's and the other 2 had jus turned 18 they proceeded to take thier clothes off and rub thier bodies on the man fucking the axe hole. smearing blood all over thier breasts the man was even more enduced with pleasure he pulled his dick out and started to fuck the one girls nose.The 2 other girls were too busy eating each other out to notice the screams of pain coming from the 23 year old women.

The 2 girls that were eating each other finally heard the screams from the other girl and looked over. The man had picked up the pickaxe again and was using it to cut her chest open. Pulling her ribs apart, he reached in and grabed for an organ. He pulled the organ out, not even knowing what it was and began feasting on it while still fucking the dead woman's hole.

The man suddenly stopped fucking her and reached into her chest cavity, devouring anything he could get his hands on. He ate the liver, the heart, the lungs... anything. Once we was done her turned to the other 2 women and threw the pickaxe at one, hitting her in the chest and strangling the other. He laughed at the now dead women and repeated the processes that he began with the last one, eating their internal organs.

On the other side of town, someone happens across the area with the dead bums, old woman, cops and female activist. Totally horrified by this sight, the man throws up, tossing his cookies all over the street and then falling over in his own filth. Out of nowhere though, Dani Filth shows up and beats him for no reason, simply killing him them walking out of the story, for he is Dani Filth the almighty. Just as Dani leaves the, the man from the forest comes, carrying the corpse of Veal as if he were still alive. He happens across the corpse of this freshly dead man and kicks his head in. The corpse's brains squirt out of his mouth, nose, ears and other holes opened from the beating.

While this man is beating the snot out of the corpse, Veal moves. Veal isnt exactly dead, as the man from the forest knew. Veal gets up and grabs a pipe from the wrecked car and sticks it thru the forest mans head. Veal then colapses to the ground, weeping. He reliezes all the pain he created durring his out of body experience and all the lives that were ended due to his fit of rage and possesion of others. Veal decides that the best way to end this is to do it himself. eal with tear trailing from his eyes, reaches into the totaled car and searches frantically for some sort of sharp object. Finally grabbing a broken shard of glass, Veal lops his right are off. With his own blood flowing onto the street, mixing with the blood of others that he in some form had killed, Veal finally feels happy. As he feels his life leaving him agian, he knows that this times it is for good and that he wont be back, that his life is finally at an end.
