Written by Christian Wenner

(DR. SCHWARTZ is sitting C with ROBIN and THERESA on either side.)

DR. SCHWARTZ: Well, it appears that our group has shrunken yet again. Both Brad and Alona are missing today, bringing our total of patients done to you two... no matter, let's continue. Theresa, Tell us what progress you have made since our last session.

THERESA: Well, first... I went to the Market and... I saw... I saw...

DR. SCHWARTZ: Yes? What did you see?

THERESA: ...Fish! I saw a haddock laying on a bed of ice and I felt like screaming and running... but I Didn't, I walked away... and... I Didn't yell... much... well, maybe I did, but at least I was walking at a calm pace, you know? Thats progress, right?

DR. SCHWARTZ: Well, it certainly is a start, but after being in my group for over 2 years, don't you think you should be a little further along than that?

THERESA: Well... perhaps I should be... but... fish scare me shitless, you know?

DR. SCHWARTZ: (sighs) I understand Theresa, but I am here to help, Robin is here to help, the rest of the group... errr... they were here to help...

THERESA: I know... but... fish... they just... they just freak me out, they're just... unnatural, you know?

DR. SCHWARTZ: OK, Theresa... OK...

DR. SCHWARTZ: Well Robin, how have you been this last week?

ROBIN: I have been great, I really think your group is helping me. I mean, if it wasn't for your group, I never would have met any of the fine people in the group and-

DR. SCHWARTZ: -Robin, where are you going with this?

ROBIN: Where am I going?

DR. SCHWARTZ: Yes Robin, where are you going?

ROBIN: In short, sir?

DR. SCHWARTZ: (losing his patience) Yes Robin, in short.

ROBIN: Well, I kinda killed Alona and Brad last night.

DR. SCHWARTZ: What did I tell you about murder, Robin?

ROBIN: It's bad?

THERESA: Not as bad as fish... fish are seriously freaky, you know?

ROBIN: Theresa, don't speak. Everything you say is non-sense. (pause) I'll kill you next...


ROBIN: What?

DR. SCHWARTZ: Apologize to Theresa immediately!

THERESA: Yes! Apologize! Say you're sorry!

ROBIN: But I'm Serious, I'm going to kill you next. Be a good sport and accept that fact.

DR. SCHWARTZ: Robin, you are really testing my patience...

ROBIN: Testing your patience?? I've been listening to this psycho bitch babble on and on about saumon and haddock and flounder for 5 weeks now! She's more annoying than Brad was with his fear of gum sticking to his shoe for Christ's sake! I am dead serious when I say you need to die!

ROBIN: Do you mind if I get some coffee?

DR. SCHWARTZ: (stunned) s-sure...

(ROBIN exits for coffee)

THERESA: You Don't think he would actually kill me do you?

DR. SCHWARTZ: No of course not... but seriously... you, quite frankly are annoying.


(ROBIN re-enters)

ROBIN: So, what sort of fish scare you the most?

THERESA: No, I'm not answering you, you threatened my life!

ROBIN: So? What's your point? I threaten everyone, I don't mean anything by it, I just mean I'm going to kill you.

DR. SCHWARTZ: Robin, I've had enough of you, you aren't killing anyone...

ROBIN: I'm not am I? Well maybe I need to kill you. I need yo murder you as much as I need to kill that freaking psycho.

THERESA: I'm not a psycho...

ROBIN: Don't open your mouth, you lower the intelligence of the room when you do.

(Silence, ROBIN sips his coffee)

THERESA: I miss Brad...

ROBIN: He's dead, shut up, I ate him, hes gone.


DR. SCHWARTZ: Robin, where does this hatred of yours come from, you never say anything about it.

ROBIN: Nowhere, I just hate everything and I don't care at all what you say anymore.

THERESA: You need help. I mean, professional help.

DR. SCHWARTZ: (clears throat) I believe thats why he's here.

THERESA: I know, but I don't think you can really help him, he needs to be committed or something, you know?

ROBIN: I have to go to the bathroom, lets see if you two can calm down while I'm gone.

(ROBIN leaves again)

THERESA: US calm down? He wants to kill me!

DR. SCHWARTZ: No he doesn't, he wants to help you, just like me.

THERESA: What sort of dreamworld are you living in? he wants me dead!

(ROBIN Re-enters with a fish and throws it down in front of THERESA. THERESA jumps on ROBIN as he heads over to sit down and begins pummeling him, muttering threats)

(DR. SCHWARTZ pulls out a gun and calmly shoots both of them, then reaches over and sips on ROBIN's coffee)

DR. SCHWARTZ: What a couple of psychos. They should have tried getting help...

(sips coffee, drops gun and exits room)

Email: stjernefodt@hotmail.com