By Alsvartr

evil came to me on one winters eve
he planted his seed in my home
the next day grew his feline spawn
its only purpose is to procreate!

the kittens are multiplying
they are over running
they are excersizing on the hamsters wheel

the kittens killed all that was in their sight
up to me to put it to end
i took my knife to the devil kin
i was neutering the kittens of evil!

the kittens are multiplying
they are over running
they are excersizing on the hamsters wheel

neutering the kittens of eeeeeeeeviiiiiiil
they want to cover you in their kitty gel
neutering the kittens of eeeeeeeeviiiiiiil
kitty cum has the worst smell

when i have the felines balls in my hand
ive never had a rush quite like then
i neuter them all, one by one
until the kittens are all shooting blanks

the kittens are multiplying
they are over running
they are excersizing on the hamsters wheel

neutering the kittens of eeeeeeeeviiiiiiil
they want to cover you in their kitty gel
neutering the kittens of eeeeeeeeviiiiiiil
kitty cum has the worst smell

*very original lunch time break followed by solo with cats meowing over top of it*

now that ive neutered them all
evil is no threat at all
none them even have balls
they are all hanging up on my walls
following the aftermath of the day
the kitties all run away
they return to the master of evil
cursing the remover of their balls

the kittens are multiplying
they are over running
they are excersizing on the hamsters wheel

neutering the kittens of eeeeeeeeviiiiiiil
they want to cover you in their kitty gel
neutering the kittens of eeeeeeeeviiiiiiil
kitty cum has the worst-
