05.09.03. Did Practically nothing today, just added a few new pics. most likely something else will happen soon, i'm sure ill get around to doing something... i hope... phhht... i think this news update has already taken longer than the actual uploading of files.

12.21.02. After Maggie read through this very log over updates she took notice that i used to have a pics page. at her request it has returned. its just a bunch of random pictures, the most recent one (at the bottom) she took, the oldest one (at the top) is from christmas '99 i beleive. everything in between is random and from various times, they are not cronological.

12.19.02. Today i added a new story, Divine Manifestations. it took me longer to format and add this story to this page than it did to actually write it.

12.15.02. Well those long awaited, promised updates never came, however here we are months later and i find myself adding writings from maggie. go figure. i also updated my info page, i felt it was about time that get done.

08.26.02. Began updates, been far behind on them. Scaled down main page, removed pics page, updated CD list, changed the main writings page and added lyrics i've written under the writings page. Got lazy and bored so only the first link works, I'll finish updates in the coming days.

11.29.01. Long time since I updated, eh? well, pics page was seriously scaled down and I added my new play "Static Journey" into the writings section.

06.13.01. I added a one new Blink 1anal2 track today and removed the discussion board as no one had posted for about a year...

06.12.01. Today all I did was simply add 4 new Blink 1anal2 songs, "Damn Girl", "Yea Yea, Ugh", "All My Love (New Version) and "All My Love (Alternate Version). I implore any of the 2 of you viewing this site to download them.

04.11.01. Update today, I added 2 Blink 1anal2 songs, I'll add more if people want them. I also removed Stjernefodt, my Tyran's Cove character as I never use it anymore. I updated my info page because SHAWN IS A BITCH AND KEPT TELLING ME TO! Thats about it really.

10.19.00. Lex's pic added. that is all.

10.18.00. I finally upated for the first time in quite awhile! all I did was remove Mallory's pix. keep watching, I'm going to redesign my site completely.

03.28.00. Well, I finally put my own pics up on my site... like 7 of them, so I hope you gag and die looking at me. Oh yeah, on a sadder note... I took Mal-Mal's picture off my site... for a bit.

03.25.00. Been a long time since I did anything here, but today I added a new story to the stories section, "God Has Better Things to Do". Its really short, but I think its amusing, read it and I hope you enjoy.

12.18.99. did a few things today including updating the top 10 list and moving this to its own page

10.23.99. Today I added a page for my pictures... to bad I dont have any on there yet. I have also decided to remove the music from this page, as most everyone who visits it tells me how annoying it is

09.19.99. well, today I actually finished renevation on the site. I still have a lot of work to do, adding pics, reviews of bands, discriptions of friends, posting my stories and many other things...

08.10.99. Wow... Today I began renevating my site, starting with this page, I'll eventually change all the other pages for the 2 of you who look at my site. Hope you like the new sleak "minimalist" look of my site :)

12.3.98. Today I have done the first update on my page since June! feel happy for me or I'll kills ya >:)...