By Alsvartr

GOD HAS BETTER THINGS TO DO, like playing tennis with Jesus, Moses and Satan. Without one or the other the tennis match would be pretty uneven. And its Satan who always makes the first sexual move... so one day he raped God in the ass and God got pissed off, banishing him to the underworld. Yeah, and then Satan got pissed off and raped a few angels who felt disgraced and became his devils.... therefore making his tennis matches even. But up in heaven, there were only three to play tennis; God, Moses and Jesus, so they decided to get a hold of Noah and see what he was doing, but Noah was busy so they were still one short for a tennis match. Then God got a little put down for casting Satan down, ruining their tennis matches. So then God decided to send Jesus down to earth for awhile, leaving him and Moses to play singles for awhile while Jesus tried to get people to play in their matches, but instead, got them to follow him as if he were a god, and eventually getting himself killed for it. Though he probably wanted to die, he missed playing tennis... but they were still one short. So then they came up with a revolutionary idea: they would rotate... Jesus would play God, and then Moses would play the winner, it would go like that for the rest of time, none of them getting bored, and no one being left out.

