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1928 Dance Card
The Navy Day Ball, Cornell University - May 25, 1928

[1928 Dance Card]

This card from Cornell University's Navy Day Ball contains 7 heavy card stock pages, bound by two heavier board covers, measuring 2 1/2" by 4 1/2". The front cover, in navy ink on cream colored card stock, pictures two rowers sculling under a bridge on which fly three pennants reading "Navy Day Ball," "Cornell" and "1928." A navy blue cord attaches a navy pencil to the card.

[1928 Dance card inside]

Inside are listed Patronesses, the Dance Committee, two orchestras - Ray Miller's Brunswich Recording Orchestra from Cincinnati and "wes" Thomas' Orchestra from Ithaca, NY. The program points to the overwhelming popularity of the Fox Trot and its variations in the late 20's. It lists 24 dances; only four waltzes and all the rest Fox Trots. Unfortunately the musical selections are not named, but the "Fox Trot" denomination in 1928 could have allowed for variations including the Toddle, Collegiate Steps, the Shimmy, the Black Bottom, the Varsity Drag and of course the Charleston. (For descriptions of some of these early jazz age dances see MIXED PICKLES' Vintage Dance Timeline - The Jazz Era.) Dance cards of this period would show the same general makeup of Fox Trots and a few Waltzes until the arrival of the Latin dances such as the Rumba and Samba in the 30's.

Vintage Dance Cards