It began with a dream....

One freezing January morning in 1934, Arnold Linto woke up screaming from a nightmare in which he was being beaten to death by man-sized waffles. "I'll show those bastards who's boss," his wife recalled him muttering decades later, and before the day was out, he'd purchased a truck and painted the word "waffle" on the side.A beginning...
Experimenting in the kitchen for weeks, Linto neither ate nor slept, not until he'd concocted the most delicious waffle known to Western Civilization. It's recipe remains a mystery, but supposedly includes a high nutmeg to surface area ratio.
Linto's homemade business took off, and soon he hired seven women of ill repute from Chapelsnap to keep up with the demand. Strangely, despite massive sales, he wasn't making any money. Flour was disappearing from the mill, and Chapelsnap's pancake industry was booming. Linto called himself a failure and was discovered the following morning with a self inflicted waffle wound to the cerebral cortex. The town, nay, the world, was shocked.
The true story emerged. Soon, The Chapelsnap Seven were indicted on fraud charges and burned at the stake. Since that time, a bitter rivalry has existed between our towns. It'll be another cold day in hell, like the one poor Arnold Linto had during Roosevelt's first term, before we give up!

Do it for Linto!

Had enough?