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A Max Halloween

Be afraid, Be very afraid .Halloween is coming!
Halloween, one of my favorite holidays. A time for fun , dressing up and oodles and oodles of candy (I don't get any though! Oh the sorrows of not being a 5yr. old)Luckely we find our own fun. Personally I enjoy the festive tradition of getting eggs thrown at me. Those evil pre-adolescents must be on a Kamikazi mission. Alas, I am the target therefore I must retaliate ::evil Grin::

Dum da dum! It's a bird it's a plane! .. It's Max wearing some glowing cape fabric! kewlness.

Guess what? Max guest starred in Tales from the Crypt

How to annoy your trick or treaters ;The candy givers guide

1. Give Unwrapped food.
2. Give out pennies 1 per. person .
3. Make them beg.
4. Make them say please
5. Making them recite "Trick or Treat?"
6. Always ask them "what are you supposed to be?"
7. Give out fruit.
8. Run after them with an Axe.
9.Throw stink bombs at them.
10.Scare them with decapitated mannequins."Hello Mr. Head I'm Mr. arm will you play with me?"

My name? you may ask. "I'm Dr. Evil"

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