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14 Ways to know your obsessed with Max

1. You have over 40 pictures of Max in your room.
2.You talk to your Max Autograph.
3.You buy a blue Jeff Cap b/c Racetrack owned one.
4.You take up Gambling as a full time hobby.
5.You put ice cubes in orange juice.
6.You stay up late nights looking for Doogie Howser reruns.
7. When you can't find Doogie on T.V you "Seize the day" write all the networks and chant "Bring Doogie back"
8.You watch horse racing and bet with yourself.
9.You write Seventeen Magazine and ask them to feature Max.
10.You have an imaginary friend named Racetrack that lives in a box in your yard.
11.You plan to dress up in Green paint to give out Candy on Halloween saying "I am the greatest actor alive Max Casella bask in my meercat glow".
12.You try to eat eggrolls with Sauce even though you hate Eggrolls and wind up almost hacking. (hmm... tip. when something doesn't seem like it wants to go down your throat,let it be)
13. In Gym class you try to imagine yourself as Dino running the army obstical coarse.
14. You bring a picture of Max along for a good luck charm to play auditions and it works!!!!! LUCKY MAX GOT ME IN THE PLAY ::Cusps hands and screams! (Observation on the side: Max does this alot) WHOOO WHOOO THANK YOU!!!

