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     While restored Whizzers can certainly be had for a price, and one can assemble a Whizzer from parts and pieces gathered up from flea markets and swap meets, a "good find", for a would -be collector is a nice   "BARN FRESH WHIZZER"!

    Complete with all the big chunks, as well as a generous layer of rust and maybe a bees nest or two, what is mostly needed is an engine overhaul and a lot of TLC. A barn fresh bike makes a real good starting point, especially for the first time.

    It is interesting to see the mechanical ingenuity involved in some of the assembled bikes. Lacking access to a machine shop and some of the more sophisticated tools which are readily available today, the guys still managed to get the job done.

An "H" on a monark

For the real diehard, here is a partially restored "F" model.

Here's an easy one, a relatively complete "H" on a Schwinn WZ.

A little harder, another WZ. This one has a bonus, a Bi- matic transmission. The engine looks to be a "J"

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