Karolyn Reddy, a native of central New York, is our new Vista Volunteer. She will take over for the departing Sarah Brown. Karolyn holds a BA in English from Alfred University and will be working with the Communities for Children Program. For the next year she will be working in both the high school and middle school, continuing Sarah's work and developing new programs for Winthrop youth. She will also advise The Winthrop Youth Council on developing healthy and fun weekend events and activities. Say Hi to Karolyn when you see her and share your ideas with her on making Winthrop a better place for kids to grow and develop.
Mathematics: Maria Kauffman 126, Costa Smirles 113, Barb Selwood 114, Jim Guillemette 122, Steve Knight 123
Science: Steve Knight 123, Jim Guillemette 122, Alisa Gray 121, Bob Teague 120
English: Darren Akerman 132, Mary Dumais TBA, Linda McKee 116, Charles Lincoln 130
Tech Ed: Frank Smith 102, Derek Glazer 103
Art: Mary Dyer 107, Derek Glazer 103
Social Studies: Dave Poulin 125, Saskia Sheldon 127, Sharon Coulton 124
Language: Meg Cook 129, Nicole Bruyere 128, Jeremy Willette 128/129
Library: Ken Patten 138
Business: Mike Soucie 112, Liz Curtis 110
PE: Ginny Geyer 135, Todd Park 134
Music: Pat English 133, Mike Shaw 286
Alternative Ed: Joel Stoneton 225
Adult Ed: Marianne Doyle 241, Pat Mitchell 240
Technology: Colleen Ackerman 111
Support and Services: Trudy Hanson 117, Jay Franzel 117, Denise Mitchell 201, Jason Grundstrom-Whitney 207, Jackie Kempton 284, Cher Pushard 205, Barb Mangin 202, Beth Salois 107, Donna Bowman 107, Tom Hills 131, Kevin Harrington 109, Jeannine Dumont 109, Sue Gross 208, Bill Childs 242, Eric Maxim 107, George Moore, Bob Gray, Troy Tucker, and the Cafeteria Crew 233.
The numbers that follow staff names are their phone extensions at (207)377-2228.
NEW: All WHS staff members now have e-mail. His/her address is their first initial and last name followed by @winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us. Just click on the desired e-mail address below to contact the staff member.
CAKERMAN@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Akerman, Colleen
DAKERMAN@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Akerman, Darren
NBRUYERE@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Bruyere, Nicole
BCHILDS@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Childs, Bill
MCOOK@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Cook, Meg
SCOULTON@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Coulton, Sharon
ECURTIS@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Curtis, Elizabeth
JDEBLOIS@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Deblois, Jeff
MDOYLE@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Doyle, Marianne
MDUMAIS@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Dumais, Mary
MDYER@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Dyer, Mary
PENGLISH@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us English, Patti
JFRANZEL@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Franzel, Jay
VGEYER@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Geyer, Ginny
AGRAY@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Gray, Alisa
SGROSS@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Gross, Susan
JGUIL@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Guillemette, Jim
THILL@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Hill, Tommy
KPATTEN@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Patten, Ken
MKAUFFMAN@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Kauffman, Maria
NKELLEY@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Kelley, Nancy
SKNIGHT@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Knight, Steve
CLINCOLN@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Lincoln, Charlie
BLMANGIN@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Mangin, Barbara
LMCKEE@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us McKee, Linda
DLMITCHELL@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Mitchell, Denise
PMITCHELL@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Mitchell, Patti
TPARK@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Park, Todd
DPOULIN@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Poulin, Dave
CHERRPUSHARD@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Pushard, Cher
BREMAGE@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Remage-Healey, Betsy
PRICHARDSON@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Richardson, Phil
NSCHENCK@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Schenck, Nancy
BSELWOOD@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Selwood, Barbara
MSHAW@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Shaw, Mike
SSHELDON@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Sheldon, Saskia
CSMIRLES@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Smirles, Costa
FSMITH@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Smith, Frank
MSOUCIE@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Soucie, Mike
BTEAGUE@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Teague, Bob
JWHITNEY@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Whitney, Jason
JWILLETTE@winthrop-hs.winthrop.k12.me.us Willette, Jeremy
Winthrop High School is dedicated to excellence in education. The people above are the ones who make this possible. We thank them for their commitment to the young people of Winthrop.