Custom Built Mahogany Table, 12' open 7' closed, seats 14
I am doing this in my spare time, so you will have to check back once in a while as the page expands. Hope you enjoy and learn.
Custom Table in the Queen Anne Style
(Taken outside - top is reflecting the sky)
Alternative: Have you considered used furniture. Going to auctions or used furniture outlets can turn up some exceptional pieces of furniture. Older furniture is more likely to be solid wood and properly joined. It may need refinishing (at least it can be done), a minor repair, or just some wax, but you have a piece of craftsmanship that will last lifetimes.
Care of Fine Furniture When you have invested many dollars into your fine wood furniture, you want it to last for years and years. Really fine furniture should last to be passed on for generations. However, wood is wood and it needs TLC!
Cleaning: Properly cared for, wood furniture needs little cleaning beyond dusting. However, if the environment is oily (near the kitchen) or very dusty (forced hot air heat), you may need to wash it down occassionally. Also, use of oily or too much wax will cause build up that traps dust and becomes gunk. A wash with a soft cloth dampened with mild liquid soap will remove most dirt. Rinse with a cloth dampened with clean water and wipe dry. It it's really greasy wiping with the soft cloth and a little commerical paint thinner (mineral spirits) will remove the grease and built up wax.
Rewaxing is necessary after cleaning. The finish must be protected from small scratches and dirt that will dull and eventually wear through the finish. Use a quality paste wax. The kind sold for floors is just as good as any. Wipe on a thin coat over a small area. You want to be able to buff it before it sets up. As soon as it's applied, start rubbing with a clean soft cloth. Rub with the grain and not too hard. Faster is better as the heat from rubbing drys the wax. You will feel the drag on the cloth change to a slick feeling. Never let the wax dry or 'haze' over before you start rubbing. Once the wax is set you will wear out several elbows trying to smooth and polish it. If you get streaks, apply a very thin coat of the wax and immediately buff it out. If all else fails, a very, very light spray of spray furniture polish on your cloth will remove the streaks.
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Fine Furniture-College of the Redwoods