A Tree is like You or Me
A tree is more than just a tree,
Just look at one an you will see.
For life is abundant,flowing from a tree.
If you look close enough you will know what i mean.
For life flows abundantly from a tree.
For the LORD makes tree's just like HE makes you an me.
Yes we are made of flesh an bones,
an a tree is made of wood an leaves.
But if you could see the energy flowing,
you would know it is the same in a tree as you an me,
even the grass is the same, or a bush.
Or even a small animal is just like you or me.
For life is seen through many ways.
Just look around an you will know what i mean.
Look at the flowers as they bloom.
They give off an scent different than you or me.
For everything has a reason for being. Just like you or me.
Nothing changes much just the seasons.
An yes the leaves they change also thru time of season.
You an me change as age makes us older.
Just like a tree,or a bush. Or even a small animal.
An yes the grass ages with everything else. Just like you or me.
So look to the LORD the next time you see.
Something new might be coming up between you an me.
Like a new tree,or a bush. Or even a blade of grass.
An yes a small fury animal too.
For the LORD loves us all as you can see
Author : Louis Mowry