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Creation Stories

All things were made by Him and without Him nothing was made that was made.John 1:3

Greetings, I'm glad to have you visit CREATION STORIES. CREATION STORIES is a Wildlife & Conservation Web page. I plan to use this web page to teach others about wildlife and how to be good stewards of our land wisely according to biblical standards. I will give you all the facts according to my knowledge, including both the negative and positive facts.


Merlins are small falcons that have pointed wings and are very fast in flight. They look much like a Peregrine falcon, except that they are much smaller and they don't have the black facial markings. Seeing them in Lycoming County is a rare sight. They are'nt known in the northeastern United States except maybe Maine. However they do migrate thought this area.

Merlins have been sighted each year in this area during migration. One merlin has been reported at the Lycoming County Airport. Also a male merlin has been sighted in a local city three times on December 1998, and a female in February 1999 three times at the same place. In places where they live such as Canada and the southern part of the U.S., they are very rare.

Would you like to see some photos of Pennsylvania and the wildlife here? If so,be sure to visit this link.


U.S.Fish And Wildife Services

Bald Eagles

Everyone is familar with the Bald Eagle, but did you know that we have bald eagles in Lycoming County? Even though I have never seen an eagle, I have heard of eagles in this area. Recently a eagle has been sighted along the Susquehanna river between Montoursville and Muncy. Eagles also have been found at Rose Valley Lake.

In the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania a total of fifteen eaglets have been hatched. The canyon is about 2 hours away from Cogan Station.

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