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May of 1996

On the afternoon of May 2,1996 was when the
nightmare really began. My youngest daughter
Sharron came home from school in tears.
She was 9 years old and in the 3rd grade.
As the tears fell she said to me my leg hurts
real bad. At first I thought it was a cramp
or spasm so I tried putting ointment on it.
But she was still in pain. Then I noticed
she had a fever so I thought she had the flu.
I quickly gave her Tylenol and liquids and
made sure she rested. All that night she was
sick fever went down some so I figured that
the flu was just running it's course.

The next morning I had to get my son off to
school without his sister. being a special needs
I have to make sure he get to the bus on time,
etc. Now for about 2 weeks he has had a head
cold. But the rest of him was fine he still ate
good and seemed active enough. So off to school
he went. I decided I'd better take Sharron
in to the doctor because her fever was up again
and I was worried. Just as I was about to leave
the phone rings. It's the school saying that my
son Phillip is sick. He too is having similar
symptoms to Sharron. So stopping to get him,
I take them both to the doctor. There I give
him an update on everything about their condition
and then he examines them. After looking at
Sharron I'm told to take her straight to the
emergency room at the hospital. For Phillip
he says bed rest,Tylenol and lots of liquids
along with a couple of prescriptions
he would be okay.

So here it is May 3,1996 and I'm beginning
with a visit to the doctor and now I'm going
to the hospital. There I am waiting for test
results. In the meantime Phillip is laying
down in the waiting area looking tired and
worn out.I get him a drink so he can begin
having fluids in his system. I go back to
check on Sharron and I'm told she needs to
go to the childrens hospital. I call and tell
her father the latest news he makes plans to get
out of work to meet us there.

Just as I hang up I hear a helicopter and
before long they are introducing me to the crew.
I knew then that there was really something
terribly wrong with her.
But no clue from anyone what they think
it is. Getting Tylenol for my son and stopping
to pick up my oldest daughter we head for the
childrens hospital. There again we all are now
waiting for test results.

Phillip seems to be getting better he is
sitting up more and laughing at his favorite
tv show. Then the doctor comes in and says they
think she has meningitis. He says there's another
test being done to know for sure but it would be
a long time for the results. Thinking it would
be best for Phillip to be home to rest his father
plans to take him there. Just as we turn to him
to tell him we are shocked at what we see. He is
shivering like he is cold and suddenly right in
front of our eyes he turns pale. The nurse walks
in just at that time and sees the same.
She tells us to take him to the emergency room.
By the end of the evening my daughter is in ICU
and my son on the 3rd floor both with a rare
form of meningitis.

May 4,1996 Sharron's condition is unchanged,
Phillip however is worse. Now he too is in ICU
in a room next to his sister. By the end of the
day he is given a 50/50 chance with his kidney
already gone.

May 5,1996 another morning at the hospital.
There have been many prayers and support for
us and the kids. We are now faced with a
decision of sorts. To decide whether to
leave Phillip on machines which would buy
him a few extra hours before he would drown
in his own fluids. Or turn everything off and
he would go in minutes. As we are faced with this
decision our church is having a special prayer
time for us. At that moment the decision is
made and my daughter for the first time improves.
Later that night as the news of our son's death
is out we learn that over 200 people gather in
front of the schools to pray for us.
Again Sharron improves.

The prayers were answered and Sharron is alive to
prove it. She is doing well and you will learn more
about her and her brother in poems and stories to
follow. I pray that someone will gain comfort in
knowing that they are not alone when they have
a loss or a sick loved one. For I learned there
are many who really do care about one another.
Please read my poems and let me know what you think.

click pages below

Phillip Hoag page
Sharron Hoag page