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Buro Grunts

Description - Lightly in armored in black camo with thick helmets, these soldiers are your basic conscripted mook who had underwent training all during the War of All Flesh and now is stuck hanging out on small bases and bunkers across the countryside. Hardened disposition and cynical attitudes are underlied by a devotion to The Architect causes. Most have nothing left but duty. The difference between grunts from the early days versus the later is towards the end of the War of All Flesh, The Architects didn't bother with the cortex bombs. It was too costly so the Buro was hoping that fear of the Lotus Eaters would be enough. It appears they were right.

Attributes: Body 5 Chi 0 (Fu=3) Mnd 5 Ref 5

Skills : Guns/Martial Arts 9, Intimidation 8, Arcanowave 7, Sabotage 8

Schticks: Lightning Reload: 1 ,Eagle Eye: 1, Armor :2 , Fox's Retreat

Weapons : combat knife , Buro Godhammer , Buro 16

Special : The greener the grunt, the less chance there is a bomb in their head. A cortex bomb is location centered to a commanding officer. As long as they are close, they won't go off. Some models are set to a beacon transmitter while others are set to the heartbeats of the commanding officer. It depends on when and on whom the transmitter is set. Also the explosion is very small though lethal to the cortex bomb implantee. Only on critical fumbles in combat , will the effect be set off prematurely and cause damage to any people in proximity. Only in these instances will flying bone fragments do any damage (DV-10)

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created on March 21 2001