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Defender LSX Model 7

Description -Quite possibly one of the worst defense robots made by the Architects. Most if not all were in the dusty caches of pre-All Flesh weaponry. It was only the escalation of the war which brought these things back into use. Used only in stopgap measures to give understaffed installations time to prepare or to fill out military ranks in the vastly over-extended Buro Armies. These chrome nearly skeletal robots stand about 6 foot. Due to the old plating used on them, they are both very deadly and a little slow. The speed of the robot is compensated for with a 360 sensory field and radio communication system between their tiny sub human combat computer brains. The biggest advantage for them is numbers and little else. The machine gun mounts in their arms share access to ammo pack located in the shoulder region. The small generators which power these robots is located in the chest region roughly analogous to sternum. Shots to both of these areas will explode them (DV 15 for those right up on them). Damage to the power allocation units will disable them from movement but only by disconnecting the head from the body will the combat computer be in acessible to active robots in vacinity. The primitive hive mind of the Defender can use downed robots to their advantage as a means to locate hostiles and in some rare instances even allows for them to sharp shoot enemies. As precautionary measure, the brains of The Defender are downloaded with face and voice recognition measures to avoid the friendly fire situation which could arise from the use of defenders. Okay, maybe there are advantages but don't tell the Grunts that. To them, the 7s are a joke.

attributes: Body 7 Chi 0 Mnd 4 Ref 4

skills : guns/martial arts 7, intimidation 7, arcanowave 7

schticks: armor:3 , built in weapons in arms (total ammo - 40 shots), 360 sight , booster packs (2 boosts - each boost allows them to leap to 10 meters.)

damage : kick and punch damage are both increased by 1 : punch +2, kick +3, the submachine guns in the limbs are MP 5s (damage - 10)

special: their flexible limbs and 360 sight allows them to attack enemies behind them as if they were in front of them.

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created on March 21 2001