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Optional rules for Risus

Take Two

This idea is based on the idea that characters with hooks and tales are more dramatic and less likely not to act. (ie go unconscious, end up crippled, die, etc) Characters with hooks and/or tales can re-do a scene by rolling against a another relevant cliche against the same task number. This can only be done once per session on one roll. Naturally, this doesn't insure success. If the second take is blown, take the reductions to the first relevant cliche as they were on the first try.

Losing It: Sanity Rules

In situations where something disturbing or shocking occurs, simply roll relevant Cliche, or no cliche if none are applicable, against the target number assigned. If missed, the character has their choice of three options: Freeze, Flee or Freak. All they have to do is explain why. GM can veto inappropriate reactions. All options durations are listed in minutes. Convert to rounds as you need to...or not, it's up to you

  • Freeze - Unable to do anything but gawk in terror for minutes equal to task number.
  • Flee - Run as far away as you can, find a place to hide and wait to regain your senses for minutes equal to task number.
  • Freak - Wildly scream and flail in horror for minutes equal to task number.

  • Extreme Sanity Failures

  • If you fail your roll by more than 10, you are temporarily insane until sunset or sunrise, whichever somes first.
  • If you fail your roll by more than 15, you are temporarily insane for 1d6 days
  • If you fail your roll by more than 20, you are indefinitely insane.

  • These are in addition to Freeze,Flee or Freak options. It is left up to GM to decide the specifics. As is recovery and duration of indefinite insanity.

    A Final Note

    Time to give credit where it's due. Take Two was based on an idea from Jared Sorensen's Octane. My Sanity/Fright rules are based off ideas found in Tim Huntley's Risus Variant Rules. And finally Rene Vernon from the Risus Mailing List for pointing out something which should have already been obvious. Last but not least S. John Ross for building such a great base to work from.

    G. Pletz