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Scavenger Trash

Description - In the wake of the ongoing War of All Flesh, a type of desolate refugee has taken to the wastes in hopes of wreaking as much havok as they can before they die. They are rebelling against years of Buro repression in the worst possible way - They have turned wild. Dressed in mismatched clothes and bloody dirty rags, they proudly try to carve a piece of the pie for themselves. Most will not be referred to by real name but rather by a colorful nickname like Headchopper or Bloody Chucky. Sometimes they travel on foot other times they may have some busted up vehicle that sort of runs. Scavenger Trash may refer to their partners as their family or tribe but rarely is the organizational structure that strong.

attributes: Body5 Chi 0 (fu =4) Mnd 5 Ref 5

skills : guns/martial arts 6, intimidation 5, fixit 7, sabotage 6

schticks :drunken stance, drunken fist, prodigious leap, recieve +1 to AV for improvised weapons.

special: 1) The one with the gun is the leader and will have one level higher with his gun skill. Usually some older piece find along the way..It is easier to get a gun that found its way from the netherworld than it is to get one from a buro grunt. usually called King, Rex, Big Kahuna but should be treated as a semi-named character (he can take 15 pts of damage before going down) 2) Scavenger Trash are packrats to the Nth degree so they will have large sacks full of useless junk which makes excellent projectiles and improvised weapons. If it is a knife or a good weapon they will have it on them. If it is really powerful, their leader will have it. Also they are good at improvising makeashift gadgets from the oddest bits of detris.

visual reference - The goons from Road Warrior/Mad Max crossed with the mutant city dwellers from Billy Idol's" Dancing with Myself" video! Glammy dirty punky mooks look to kick ass but more than likely get theirs kicked.

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created on March 21 2001