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Now this is the Law of the Jungle- as old and as true as the sky; And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the Law runneth forward and back- for the strength of the Pack is the Wolf and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.

Sgt. Jerry "Rocky" Stone
Team Leader, Team 1-1
Charlie Company 75th AIRBORNE RANGERS

Sgt. Jerry "Rocky" Stone, from Chattanooga, Tennessee, enlisted in the Army in 1966 at the age of 18. After training, Rocky, was assigned to the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam where he served as a machingunner. Rocky was involved in the bloody Battles of Dak To, in 1967, including the Battle of Hill 875 in which two battalions of the Brigade distinguished themselves against a regiment of well dugin North Vietnamese regulars winning the Presidential Unit Citation.

After serving with the "HERD" (173rd), Rocky joined the elite 75th RANGERS. Assigned to Charlie Company 75th Rangers, Rocky served as a Ranger Team Leader for Team 1-1 of the 1st Platoon, known as Satan's Playboys. After returning from Vietnam Rocky was assigned to the Army Infantry School where he served as an instructor (the BLACK HATS) at the Tower Training Committee, US Army Jump School (paratroopers).

Today Rocky is rated as a 100% service connected, disabled veteran, and serves as the Founder and President of Vet 21, Search, Rescue Recovery, Inc. a local veterans service organization dedicated to helping veterans.

During his tours of duty in Vietnam (1967-70) Rocky earned the following awards:

National Defense Service Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Parachutist Badge, Vietnam service Medal, / Silver Star, 2 Bronze Stars, Air Medal with 2 Oak leaf clusters, Army Commendation Medal w/V device, Good Conduct Medal (3 awards), Vietnam Campaign Medal, 4 Overseas Service Bars, Purple Heart /3 awards, Army Commendation Medal, Vietnam Cross of Gallantry w/Palm.

Presidential Unit Citations /3 awards, Valorous Unit Award /2 awards, Meritorious Unit Commendation/3 awards, Republic of Vietnam cross of gallantry with Palm, Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class.

CITATION FROM HILL 875, DAK TO, 1967, Republic of Vietnam

Department of the Army General Order 458:


"For heroism in connection with military operations against a hostile force: Private first Class Stone distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on 21-23 November 1967 in the Republic of Vietnam. On 21 November 1967 Company B, 4th Battalion (Airborne), 503rd Infantry made an assualt on Hill 875, near Dak To, Republic of Vietnam. Private First Class Stone, a machine gunner and member of the Lima element, moved to the front of his element. As the Company continued to move it suddenly came under heavy mortar, rocket, and automatic weapons fire, which pinned them down. Private First Class Stone, with disregard for his own safety, moved forward with his machine gun placing effective fire on the enemy position. Through his effective firing, his element was able to advance and destroy the enemy position. On 23 November 1967 Company B again made an assault on Hill 875. As they moved forward they came under heavy mortar attack. At this time Private First Class Stone, who was moving forward on the right flank of his element, learned that the other gun crew, who were supporting the movement on the left side of his element, had been killed. He then immediately moved to the center of his element so he could support both flanks."


November 24, 1967

Hill 875

Dak To, Vietnam

After 5 days of bitter fighting, against an enemy who out numbered them, approximently, 4 to 1, the 2nd and 4th Battalions of the 173rd Airborne Brigade take Hill 875 on Thanksgiving Day, 1967.

"There are no winners in war, only the dead, the physically and psychologically wounded who remain to relive the horrors of man's inhumanity to man. If future generations, who, in their youth and illusional thought, think of the false glories of war, could, but for a moment, live the emotions of the lose and pain of war, then perhaps we who have spent our time in hell would not have spent it in vain."


I have known Rocky for almost a year now. In spite of the anguish he experienced in Vietnam, he remains steadfast in his love for his country and his flag. This page Rocky is dedicated to you and the men and women who died in combat in Vietnam. The song "We will Rally Round the Flag boys" is a special dedication from Rocky to the friends he lost. To contact Rocky, his email address is