The theories of evolution and Creation are two that have conflicted for over one hundred and fifty years. Since Charles Darwin developed his theory of
evolution and published his book in 1859, Creation had been under fire.
Evolution was considered a very plausible theory for the creation of the earth.
People that tended to be less spiritual minded seemed to embrace the idea of
evolution as an alternitive to creation. But, through much research, the theory of
evolution has pretty much been disproved. In this paper I shall discuss the
reasons why I feel that evolution is not accurate. And I shall discuss why I feel
that we were created by God.
Evolution is said to have happened by a gradual changing of a species
through generations into another species. It is said that the first full life form
was a single celled organism. And eventually this single celled organism
evolved into the complex creatures that are made of millions of cells which
currently walk the earth, humans. But what was before the cell? Of course DNA
would have had to be present first for the cell to be able to form. And proteins
would have had to have been around for DNA to form. Yet, proteins depend on
DNA for formation. So, theoretically speaking, they would have had to form
simultaneously, and this is scientifically impossible. Dr. Stanley Miller and Dr.
Sidney Fox were two of the first scientists to attempt experiments in laboratories
aimed at trying to prove that life could arise spontaneously. They designed an
apparatus that contained methane, ammonia, and water vapor, but no oxygen.
Through this mixture they passed electric sparks to simulate lightning strikes.
And of course, no life arose. But it did combine some atoms to form amino
acids. The result was the fact that they weakened their case. All known forms of
life use amino acids which are only of the ‘left-handed form”. No known form
of life can use a combination of both “left-handed” and “right-handed” amino
acids . adding even a single “right-handed” amino acid to a chain of left handed
amino acids, would destroy the chain. When the amino acids are synthesized in
the laboratory, there is always a fifty percent mixture of the two forms. Only by
highly advanced, intelligently controlled processes can these two forms be
separated. Furthermore, life requires much more than amino acids. One
necessity is proteins, and the other is DNA code, as was formally discussed. No
matter how chemicals are mixed, they do not create DNA spirals or any
intelligent code whatsoever. Only DNA reproduces DNA. Two intelligent
scientists figured out that the chance of life originating spontaneously is less
than one chance in 10 to the 40,000th which is 1 with 40,000 zeros after it! One
chemist has calculated the immense odds that amino acids combining to form
the necessary proteins by undirected means. He estimated the probability to be
more than 10 to the 67th to 1 against even a small protein forming by time and
chance, in an ideal mixture of chemicals, in an ideal atmosphere, and given 100
billion years (an age 10 to 20 times greater than the age of the earth is supposed
to be). DNA is somewhat like a computer program on a floppy disk. It stores
information and transfers encoded information and instructions. It is said that
the DNA of a human stores enough information code to fill 1,000 books each
with 500 pages of very small, closely-printed type. Now, how could the almost
impossible theory of evolution prove this?
If evolution had been founded on fact, the fossil record would be expected to
reveal beginnings of new structure in living things. There should be some fossils
with developing arms, legs, and organs, but there are none. Darwin said
himself, “the number of intermediate varieties which formally existed would
have left many fossils”. So, it seems that both the factors that could prove
evolution, spontaneous life and fossil records, have turned out to show no
So, with evolution truthfully disproved, what is left? The theory of
creation of the planet and life on it by a loving God. The Bible is a collection of
66 books. The first five chapters were written by Moses between 1513 and 1473
BC The first chapter in the bible is the book of Genesis. In this book, there are
detailed accounts of in which order God created the earth. When examining the
book of Genesis, it is important to keep in mind that it approaches matters from
the standpoint of people on earth. So it describes accounts as they would have
been seen if humans had been present. The sun and the moon are described as
great luminaries in comparison to the stars.
The first part of Genesis indicates that the earth could have existed for
billions of years before the first Genesis “day”. The Hebrew word johm,
translated “day,” can mean many different lengths of time.
The book of Genesis states that the earth was completed in 7 days. On the
first day, God said “let light come to be.” Apparently, the light came in gradual
process, extending over a long period of time.
On the second day, God said “let an expanse come to be between the
waters and a dividing occur between the waters and the waters” Then this came
to be. God called the expanse the Heavens. The Genesis account says that God
did it, but it does not state how. In whatever way the separation occurred, it
would look as though the “waters above” had been pushed up from the earth.
And birds could later be said to fly in the “expanse of the heavens,” as stated in
Genesis 1:20.
On the Third day, God said “let the waters under the heavens be brought
together in one place and let the dry land appear.” And God began calling the
dry land Earth, and the gathering of the waters he called Seas. The Bible says
that God asked Job: “Into what have its socket pedestals been sunk down, or
who laid its cornerstone?”-Job 38:6 Interestingly, like “socket pedestals”, earth’s
crust is much thicker under continents and even more so under mountain
ranges. “The idea that mountains and continents had roots has been tested over
and over again, and shown to be valid,” says Putman Geology. Whatever means
where used to accomplish the rising up of dry land, the important point is: Both
the Bible and science recognize it as one of the stages in the forming of the earth.
On the third “day,” God said, “Let the earth cause grass to shoot forth,
vegetation bearing seed, fruit trees yielding fruit acing to their kinds, the seed of
which is in it, upon the earth.”-Genisis-1:11. Thus by the close of this third
creative period, three broad categories of land plants had been created.
On the fourth “day,” God said, “let luminaries come to be in the expanse
of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night; and they must
serve as signs for the seasons and years. And they must serve as luminaries in
the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth.” Previously, on the first
“day,” the expression “Let light come to be” was used. The Hebrew word there
used for “light” is ‘ohr, meaning the light in a general sense. But on the fourth
“day,” the Hebrew word changes to ma-’ohr’, which means the source of the
light. On the first “day,” an observer on earth could not see the Sun, due to the
cloud layer still enveloping the earth. But on the Fourth day, the clouds seem to
have given way to view the sun.
The Fifth day is the day that God said “let the waters swarm forth a
swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face if
the expanse of the heavens.” And this is where the mammoth sea creatures
began and where the birds began.
On the sixth “day,” God said, “let the earth put forth living souls
according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast of
the earth according to its kind.” And here is where both land animals
characterized as wild and domestic appeared. But then something even more
fantastic was to occur. God said, “Let us make man in our image, according to
our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying
creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every
moving animal that is moving upon the earth.” And God created man in his
“Why should I believe the Bible?” Some ask. And the answers are as clear
as the fact that evolution is not true. The Bible is full of predictions that have
come true. The book of was written in about 732 BC Isaiah foretold the terror
that would come upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Judah because they were
quality of bloodshed and idol worship. Isaiah predicted that the land would be
devastated, and the survivors taken captive to Babylon. And then a foreign king
named Cyrus would conquer Babylon and free the Jews. Two centuries after he
wrote this, Isaiah’s prophecy was fulfilled in great detail. Then also, he
predicted in great detain the birth, life, and death of Jesus. As you can read
there, it says that Jesus was to be despised by his countrymen, could heal many
people with only a touch, actually be tried and unjustly condemned, while
remaining silent before his accusers. He would allow himself to be handed over
to be killed alongside criminals, during his execution, his body would be
pierced. And Isaiah repeatedly said that the Messiah’s unjust death would have
astonishing powers, covering the sins of humans. The way that we know that
Isaiah’s writings are quinine is because in 1947, a Bedouin shepherd near the
Dead Sea discovered an ancient scroll as being the entire book of Isaiah. Experts
in ancient Hebrew handwriting dated the scroll as being from 125 to 100 BCE
Then in 1990, a carbon 14 analysis of the scroll gave it a date of between 202 and
107 BCE This scroll was already quite old when Jesus was born.
Throughout the Bible, there are many reasons to believe that God is in
command and the creator of our universe and world. Evolution tends to be a
completely shallow and inaccurate explanation of our existence, while the Bible
contains many reasons to believe that God is it’s creator. My belief in God is
strong, and I also believe that any intelligent person that gives the Bible fair
attention and takes the time to study it, will eventually believe the same as me.
Moral Decay
Why is it that our current society seems to act entirely on instinct and animalistic
behavior? Is it because our media is full of images that portray sex, rebellion, and violence as
everyday, normal, and acceptable parts of our culture? Or is it because our morals have simply
become unimportant to most of us? Many factors have lead to the cause of our hardened hearts
and sex obsessed minds.
Our American culture has always been one of freedom. One that allows ourselves the
liberty to express our beliefs, needs, and wants openly. But has it gone too far? We seem to hide
ourselves from nothing. We subject ourselves to things that are harmful to our bodies and minds.
Things like drugs, alcohol, and sexuality seem to run rampant through our neighborhoods and
homes. Thoroughly changing us into people that are products of our environments. The moral
decay is not only occurring in America, but around the world.
In many European countries, pornography in video form is broadcasted over cable
television, available for anyone who happens to stumble upon that particular channel during the
late hours of the night. Is this another reason why our youths are growing up to be sex offenders?
Psychologists state that traumatizing sexual experiences can dramatically impact a child’s
thoughts and personality. Over exposure to extreme images may very well traumatizing. And in
Asian countries, pornographic magazines are blatantly read out in public in full view on buses,
subways, and streets. They also happen to have a problem with the men grabbing and touching
women in many places such as subways. Could the availability and open acceptance of
pornography be leading to the disrespect of women in these countries? In our American society,
we tend to accept adultery and sexual exploits as normal, yet they are also looked down upon. A
good example of what we have allowed ourselves to become is the recent case in which none
other then our own President was under investigation for his sexual habits. He not only cheated
on his wife and had sexual relations with a co-worker, but he also lied to America saying he
didn’t. The investigation was a long trying one for America. Surveys were taken to see how the
common citizens of this country were feeling about the incident and surprisingly, most Americans
felt that impeaching him was not necessary. They were all right with this as long as he kept our
economy good. This is a blatant admittance that we are comfortable with this man representing
us as a country and feel that it is all right for a man to cheat on his wife and then lie to us about it!
It is obvious that the level of violence in our societies today is at an alarming rate. From
the reports of rape, to the nightly finding of yet another murdered victim, our urban, rural, and
suburban areas are no longer safe. Even Police seem to violate laws lately. There has been many
cases of police brutality being used when apprehending a subject.
Even our entertainment displays a lot of violent images. From professional wrestling to
boxing to horror films, it is evident that out societies enjoy watching violent acts in the comfort of
there own home. Is it possibly because it seems to them that they are safe from the harm being
displayed? As if they are in control and somewhat unharmable. Could our enjoyment derived
from watching others being harmed and harming others be adding to the number of murders and
violent acts that plague or societies? I feel that the movies and television programs are large
cause to the violence. We allow ourselves to view images that somewhat warp our sense of right
and wrong. And the effect of this, in my opinion, is the random acts of violence that occur at
schools, jobs, and homes. The violent outlashes at schools across America in the recent past year
has claimed the lives of many students. The students that committed these crimes were victims
themselves of our media and entertainment industry. Not only that, but they were often
antagonized by others that felt that harassment was unharmful and acceptable. If we continue to
allow things such as violence, slander, and cruelty to run our lives for us, what will become of our
communities? Will we not end up destroying ourselves?
The drugs we seem to allow to slip through our communities and bodies are also harming
our societies strongly. Many acts of violence and dishonesty is often because of illegal drugs
today. Such as the many robberies and muggings that are committed to provide for a drug
addict’s habits. Drug are a very big part of our youths recreational habits. This has been true for
years. An example is the Woodstock festival held in 1969 in New York which attracted many
drug users for 3 days of music and open drug use. Today, similar, smaller events are held during
the summer at such places as the Coca-Cola Amphitheater. Small parties which usually involve
drug use or alcohol abuse are held in parking lots and are often refereed to as tailgate parties.
Drug abuse tends to lead to irresponsible behavior and health problems.
If we continue to allow things such as alcohol abuse, drug use, pornography, and violence
to remain a constant factor in our societies today, we shall surely feel the negative effects. We
could continue to go on the path we are on, but the result will continue to get worse and worse.
Hopefully, we will decide to venture into the new year with stronger morals and a sense of what
we need to help our societies grow and to be a bit more positive and prosperous.

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