103 Reasons Why life can Be Bad

Here are some resons why life can be bad....nothing to extreme...these are in order, 1 being the worst!!! (this one counts down jsut to throw you off)
  • 103. W-O-R-K-I-N-G
  • 102. summer break without your school friends
  • 101. pretzels, come on you know they are the WORST part of party mix and chex mix!
  • 100. annoying people.
  • 99. When you get thrown off line.
  • 98. when stupid people IM you
  • 97. that groose feeling in your mouth when you wake up
  • 96. Looking out side and seeing snow, but then watching TV and seeing that YOU STILL HAVE SCHOOL! =(
  • 95. when you turn on the TV, and even though you have 200 channells, nothing is on
  • 94. When people fight...how queer.
  • 93. LUKE..haha that one is for you JAime
  • 92. When you order tea at a restaurant...and it is non sweatened, but you don't know that, you take a sip, and are like, "this is not sweetened."
  • 91. The fact that you go to school for 13 years and grow accustomed to the people there, but then you never see them again!
  • 90. knowing that all the animals you purchase will die.
  • 89. being sad
  • 88. When you have a favorite player on your baseball team and then he gets traded to another team.
  • 87. Getting into fights with your freinds and family.
  • 86. When the trolly driver misses your stop..grr
  • 85. When you are on a sports team that always loses.
  • 84. Losing a freind
  • 83. when a freind moves away
  • 82. When I have to leave Lauren's house
  • 81. Knowing Leeny will graduate and leave me
  • 80. When a really cool pen runs out of ink
  • 79. When your favorite baseball player, that got traded is in town, and YOU can't go
  • 78. school dances STAG
  • 77. When you are in the middle of a good dream and you get woken up for school
  • 76. Getting soap in your eyes
  • 75. Promises broken
  • 74. When the guy you are in love with is absent
  • 73. When OLD NAVY is closed
  • 72. Being 17 without a drivers liscense
  • 71. Drunk drivers
  • 70. Drunk people in general
  • 69. little kids who are annoying..like 6th and seventh graders
  • 68. Immature people..Like 10th and 11th graders
  • 67. Not believeing in Santa clause any more
  • 66. No easter bunny either
  • 65. Growing up
  • 64. Those damn chicken soup books...getcha every time.
  • 63. being lied too
  • 62. Lying to someone
  • 61. Being unhappy
  • 60. no one saying happy birthday to you
  • 59. Having no money
  • 58. The horrid feeling of seeing the baclstreet boy's concert list and not seeing PITTSBURGH on it.
  • 57. getting teeth pulled
  • 56. Getting braces tightened
  • 55. homework
  • 54. Not being able to listen to christmas music year round
  • 53. That it is too hot to drink hot choclate with your fleece blanket in the summer
  • 52. Being too old to play with toys
  • 51. Understading things that you wish you wouldn't
  • 50. Listning to everoyne's problems, but no one caring to listen to yours.
  • 49. When a cd you love gets ruined
  • 48. When your parents shrink or bleach your favorite clothes
  • 47. Knowing that people in Puerto Rico y Hawii are having a freaking blast on the beach while we are sitting here in the freaking cold
  • 46. When you love a song, but then they ruin it by playing it on the raio tooo much
  • 45. Having to think bad thougts
  • 44. Racism
  • 43. not getting a job
  • 42. Hateing the job you have
  • 41. Days where you really want to sing in chorus, but she gives us a day off
  • 40. writing long essays
  • 39. knowing that I have to think of 38 more bad things..Really I am a happy person
  • 38. when you sip some hot cocoa or tea and you burn your tounge
  • 37. When you retire your favorite clothes
  • 36. Because big hair is out of style
  • 35. When movies are sold out
  • 34. Not being old enough for R movies
  • 33. When your hands and feet fall asleep
  • 32. Taking notes in class
  • 31. Failing a test
  • 30. Failing a class
  • 29. I'd say failing in general is bad
  • 28. when an outfit you like isn't on sale, but you buy it anyway, then a week later, it is on sale.
  • 27. the sound of people chewing on ice
  • 26. when the weather is cold, but there is no snow
  • 25. Missing a wild party
  • 24. going to the beach and watching the rain
  • 23. long trolly lines
  • 22. seeing uncle jesse married to the super model slut
  • 21. coming back from christmas break
  • 20. Coming back from summer break
  • 19. Leaving my janitor job
  • 18. when no one signs your guestbook
  • 17. when something really funny happens and you have no film
  • 16. Dorks with attitudes
  • 15. Popular people, or people who think they are
  • 14. when you are downloaing a song and you get kicked off in the middle
  • 13. lazy people
  • 12. getting out of bed
  • 11. working
  • 10. getting sucky paychecks
  • 9. Not being rich
  • 8. Rich people
  • 7. people with the initials PC~oh man, not that PC
  • 6. When a fun party is over
  • 5. No more new full house episodes
  • 4. When the phone rings 1000000 times a day
  • 3. When you always anwser it but it's not for you
  • 2. annoying door to door sales people
  • 1. RAP MUSIC

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