In order to compile this OS, which ISN'T COMPLETE BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION: 1. Compile each program individually (fat.img doesn't need compiling) 2. Concatenate the programs (copy together) by going into the dos prompt and typing "copy /b + fat.img + + final.img" and they will be copied in binary format (/b) in the same order into the file final.img. 3. Use rawrite (might be necessary to do in dos mode if it says there is an error on a sector) to copy the final.img to a blank computer disk. Once this is done the floppy will need to be reformatted if it is to be used for another operating system. 4. Leave the floppy in the drive and reboot. The FAT table currently has a couple entries, but I can't even remember what they are and I'm not sure if they are even doubled. (Most FATS have 2 copies and I left room for this, but I'm not sure if I implemented this.) It doesn't really matter though, because the OS doesn't really use the FAT yet...