Bear Lake Injection Wells Protest-

Bear Lake Pa. The wells are proposed Marcellus Shale Wastewater or Fracking Wastewater, that will inject Marcellus Gas fracking fluids into abandon Gas Wells in Bear Lake Pa.

Bear Lake Injection Well Protests
(The first and second protest!)

Here is a great story about the Injection Wells in Bear Lake Pa.

It also talks about Tamarack Swamp and it's importance.

Here is a great story in the Corry Journal about the Injection Wells second protest in Bear Lake Pa.

Here is a news story about the first Bear Lake protest:

And here is a report from Warren:


Bear Lake Marcellus Wastewater Injection Wells second Protest!

Federal Environmental Review Board Rejects Warren County Disposal Well Permit (State Impact NPR)

From the link:

Federal Environmental Review Board Rejects Warren County Disposal Well Permit

July 2, 2012 | 6:45 PM
By Susan Phillips

The fed­eral Envi­ron­men­tal Appeals Board has told EPA, Region 3, they must redo their analy­sis regard­ing pro­posed frack water dis­posal wells in War­ren County. The EPA had granted a per­mit to Bear Lake Prop­er­ties to con­vert two for­mer nat­ural gas wells into dis­posal wells. The pro­posal would send the waste water from nat­ural gas drilling oper­a­tions back down into a for­ma­tion called the Med­ina Whirlpool Sands. Only five such dis­posal wells exist in Penn­syl­va­nia. But two res­i­dents of the area filed an appeal to the Board. Bill Peif­fer and Tom Stroup filed a peti­tion for review regard­ing six issues. The Board rejected all but one.

In its deci­sion, released on Mon­day, the Board said EPA offi­cials with Region 3, based in Philadel­phia, did an inad­e­quate job in sur­vey­ing the drink­ing water wells in the area. After a pub­lic com­ment period, the EPA heard from res­i­dents who named addi­tional drink­ing water wells that were not listed in Bear Lake Prop­er­ties’ orig­i­nal appli­ca­tion. The EPA told the com­pany to redo the assess­ment. But the appeals board agreed with peti­tion­ers Peif­fer and Stroup, say­ing the two stud­ies revealed incon­sis­ten­cies and raised sig­nif­i­cant ques­tions about the integrity of the EPA’s analysis.

The board rejected all of the other issues, includ­ing the peti­tion­ers’ claim of about 70 undoc­u­mented aban­doned wells in the area that could serve as con­duits for the frack water to pol­lute drink­ing water sup­plies. The Board con­cluded that the EPA has com­plied with the reg­u­la­tions regard­ing pres­sure and mon­i­tor­ing require­ments at the well­head, which they say would pre­vent migra­tion of fluid up any unknown aban­doned well.

“EPA has also required in the pro­posed per­mits mon­i­tor­ing of the fluid level in the injec­tion zone dur­ing injec­tion oper­a­tions to ensure that pres­sure cre­ated by the injec­tion oper­a­tion will not cause migra­tion of fluid up aban­doned wells that could exist. By mon­i­tor­ing fluid level, and mak­ing sure that it remains safely below the low­er­most USDW, then even if an aban­doned well were to exist ( i.e., a well that might have been drilled in the past with­out hav­ing infor­ma­tion of pub­lic record), the mon­i­tor­ing would detect and pre­vent fluid migra­tion into the low­er­most USDW.”

The wells sit near the Tama­rack Swamp, in North­west­ern Penn­syl­va­nia, just across from the New York state bor­der. Bill Peif­fer and Tom Stroup are con­cerned that the dis­posal wells will pol­lute the swamp and drink­ing water supplies.

The deci­sion means EPA Region 3 needs to revisit the per­mit, con­duct a new assess­ment of the drink­ing water wells in the area, and open up the per­mits to a new pub­lic com­ment period.

Stony and Company Band!

We do some original anti-fracking and anti-Marcellus Gas protest songs! Check us out! We are available to preform at your next protest!

No Injection Wells for Shale Gas Waste Water


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