Allegheny Outdoor Adventures Bradford, PA

Hector's Falls -Ludlow Pa.

Sunday Feb 3rd- Hector's Falls!

Our Annual Superbowl Sunday hike this year (feb 3rd) went to Hector's Falls, south of Ludlow in the ANF.

It was a great day for a hike! This hike was Bill, Carla, Porscha, Karen, Ed, Walt and I. A smaller than expected turn out, too bad for those who missed it! It was perfect weather! The weather was just warm enough to be very comfortable when hiking. And there was enough water going over the falls to make it well worth the while to visit! In fact, it was the most frozen I have ever seen the falls. It had a very nice ice column and lots of ice sickles.

We hiked in, took some photos and then split up a bit. Some of us went exploring the cave there, and some wandered around the boulder field taking more photos.

Some of us indented to get into, or under the water falls, but the ice column was too massive and we could not get near open water.

We all pitched in to build a fire in the fire ring there. We had a cooked camp-fire lunch.

I was surprised by the lack of litter. One of the first times I did not find a bunch of beer cans or bottles laying around. I also noticed that the trail into the falls area was improved from last year.

On the hike down we passed a logging operation, and somebody marked the turn down to the creek with a giant pair of womans panties. VERY large panties!

The hike back out was a good workout since it's uphill all the way from the falls, back to the cars.

On our way out we saw two groups of dirt bikes enjoying the day. A group of four, and then three, all headed toward the falls. I guess the snow was too marginal for snowmobiles. We did see two other couples at the falls.

After our hike to the falls, Carla, Porscha, Bill and myself went to the site of an abandon (and removed) fire tower. The tower the ridge road was originally named after (Firetower Road).

What a great day for a short winter hike! It felt more like a warm spring day.


A typical forest distruction site.


Porscha on her cell phone .... teenagers these days!


Porscha for scale among these giant trees


A somewhat unusal loading truck


Note he took a bite out of his own hood!


The panty flag marking our trail


Just for scale, the panties were probably a size 50!


A gas well where we turn to head toward the falls


Our first view of the falls


Some people above the falls
















Coming down the hill back into Ludlow, I couldn't help but nocice these giant boulders up hill from these houses. Hope they have rock slide insurance!



Hectors Falls Feb 12th '06

What a fun trip! What great winter weather.

The trip today was: John, Travis, Emily, Mary, Jen, Katherine, Jennifer and Rob P. Rob came all the way from Southern Pa, near the WVa. border.

We all squeezed into my van and Rob's pickup truck and rode to Ludlow. Once we found the right road (thanks to Emily) we were off on our hike. We had brought Cross-Country Skis, and Snow-Shoes, but there was just 3-4" of snow, not quite enough for the skis. We all ended up hiking down to the falls.

Once at the falls some of us checked out the falls, some gathered fire-wood and some explored the near-by rocks for caves. Mary found a few nice smaller caves in the area. One cave had the main creek going through it. After lunch everybody went through this "main cave".

I (John) was the first "in the water". I removed my coat, sweatshirt, tee shirt and went under the waterfalls. The spray was quite cold. Mary measured the air temp at 26.5 COLD degrees. Actually in the sun, it felt warmer, but once wet, I felt colder than that. Later, Travis and Emily joined me for another "dip" under the falls, with Travis and I both butting our heads in the water flow. We were splashed all over and got quite wet. Our hair was frozen most of the rest of the day.

I guess what don't kill you, makes you stronger!

Next while others mingled around, taking pictures and exploring further, Travis and I rigged a rope to rappel down a rock wall face. Travis fell from the top of the rock and just bounced! He's a real tough guy! He then went down a few more times, this time rigged with a rope harness and caribiner.

The lunch was another "hot-dog" lunch with others bringing some non-meat eatables.

The sun was out most of the day, and we all enjoyed the hike back (all up-hill) to the cars. It was un-eventful, except for Emily, "the new girl" who got her leg "bit" by Mr. Bear.

The snow covered road back to Ludlow was breathtakingly beautiful.

Once back at campus, we all played water volley-ball in the real warm pool for an hour before heading home. On Campus drive we saw a full moon over Mutant Beach.

This was a great scenic hike, and a great winter lunch at a very beautiful spot in the woods.

Here are some photos of the trip:

Gettin' cooled off!


Mary in her signature pose


Main ice column


Nice icicle


Travis in rope harness


Travis above the lunch area


Hector's Falls -Ludlow Pa.

For some odd reason, there are not many waterfalls in the north western Pa region. Across the state line to the north, in NY there are many, but the area around and in the Allegheny National Forest there just are not many waterfalls to be found. Hector's Falls is one of the few, and one of the nicest to visit. After I was told about it, it took me years to locate. It's fairly well known, but remote enough to be called a "hidden treasure" in the ANF. The best time of year to visit is in the spring when there is a lot of water flowing over it, or after (or during) a rain in the summer. The pic's below are the slowest I've ever seen the falls, but I haven't been there many times and it was always during a real wet period when I would visit the falls. It's a great place to have a lunch or to camp nearby. In the warm weather you can play in the water!


From Kane Pa. going west on Rt.6 turn left just past the Backwoods on to SR 3002. (Wetmore Rd.) Follow SR 3002 approx. 2.0 miles to Forest Rd. 468, turn left onto 468, follow 468 to end approx. 1.6 miles.

Turn right on to Forest Rd. 133 (Not Marked), (To locals AKA CCC Rd.)

Follow 133 approx. 1.8 miles to Forest Rd. 258 (To locals AKA Firetower Rd.)

From Warren going East on Rt. 6 go to Ludlow follow signs for Tionesta Scenic Area. Get on Forest Rd. 133 (To locals AKA CCC Rd.) Follow 133 approx. .9 miles to Forest Rd. 258 (To locals AKA Firetower Rd.)

Once on Forest Rd. 258 go approx. 2.1 miles to Forest Rd. 258H. It will be on the left. Park at the gate.

Walk south or downhill on the unmarked trail. At a clearing follow a narrow trail along the creek heading downstream to the falls.

The following pic's are from Jim B .... Thanks for the great photos!






And from the Atwoods from Warren:





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