Allegheny Outdoor Adventures Bradford, PA

Who We Are-

Our outdoors group is a loosely knit group of many different kinds of outdoors people. We are NOT a politically active "environmental group". We are just average outdoors people interested in many various outdoor activities.

Our group consists of hikers, campers, backpackers, outdoor photographers, rock hounds, cavers, kayakers, mountain bikers, and other outdoor enthusists.

We have members of all ages, and from all walks of life! ... Well, actually we don't really have an "official" membership at all! We do have an e-mail list of those who want to receive our trip announcements, and anybody who wants to join us on a hike or activity is a welcome member of our group.

Everybody is responsible for their own safety. We are just simply a group of "friends" who hike or recreate together in the outdoors!

We are all about outdoor recreation!

However we do consider ourselves "environmentally friendly", where we strive to "leave nothing but footprints". We pickup litter, both our own, and litter left by others on most of our hikes. Often we remove downed branches and small trees from the trails we hike. This is the extent of our "environmentalism" or "environmental activism".

We ARE NOT in support of, or aligned in any way with environmental groups like the FAW (Friends of the Allegheny Wilderness), who according to Jack Hedlund (AFA), "has an insatiable appetite for a full and simple wilderness in the ANF".

The ANF or Allegheny National Forest and the ASP (Allegany State Park NY) are a few of the areas we hike and explore.

When we hike, we often have members of all different ability ranges. We will always accommodate the slowest hikers! We will never leave anybody behind!

When we do other activities, we will also try to be as accommodating as necessary.

We are NOT all hard-core, extreme outdoor athletes.

We are simply a group of outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy the beautiful surroundings we are blessed with.

If you want to be on the list to be e-mailed information on our upcoming trips, or to "tag along" on a trip Send me your e-mail address


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