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Random Quotes of the locals:

You stupid dick!
OWWWWW my balls!
Damn it Dave (policare), why are you so poor?
Come on Putz, do the gap!
Chew on my penis!
Yo bitch...
Ok we'll come back later when your not home. (Dave to the owner of the house at the Ivy gap)
I'd hit it
God damn it, why does Putz tell his parents EVERYTHING?
I think I'm gonna eat it if I try this (Me to the Firestation gap)
Why the hell did I get the fine when I didn't even have my pegs on and you did! (Me to when I got a fine when me and Dave where at Kobies and I got a fine for grinding when I didn't have pegs on)
That was uncalled for
Im about to done drop kick that soda machine.
I really really need some weed (me all the time)

Ok thats all for now.
