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Mulan Library

Here's a collection of Mulan fanfic, just some stuff I've written and then some. :)

What to Say?? - my own fanfic....hee hee...Shang and his thoughts from the Palace to Mulan's house. Special appearances by me, Diana, and Des! Many thanx to Karen for letting me "borrow" pics from her page.

Beyond the End - Guess what? Lightning struck me! Yeah - this is the continuation of "What to Say?" in a way. The fighting begins again.....with the same sort of ridiculousness from the previous story...and random pandas!!! Warning: This is multi-parted and only the very beginning has been completed. Check back often for new installments! Yes, I've finally written Chapter 5!!!
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5

Toll - my poem about, well, I think you can pretty much figure that out.

A Minor Reflection - An ancedote on the McDonald's Mulan toys *g*
A Minor Reflection II - An ancedote about idolism.

A Guy Worth Fighting For - My parody....hee hee. Funny stuff - read!

Mulan: Decisions - by Paul!
First seen on the AOL Mulan MB, the world of the characters in Mulan drastically changes (for the worse) when we obsessive insane AOL members meddle in their affairs! (And you thought author intrusion was bad.... :) Insanity and hilarity!!! Part 10 has been completed!! It's up!! :)
| Part I |Part II |Parts III and IV |Part V | Parts VI and VII | Parts VIII and IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII and XIV |

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