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The Names in Disney’s Mulan

To start out, there are a few things that will make this easier if you know ‘em. When writing straight lines, they are always left to right and top to bottom. In case there is any confusion, in the directions I will have indicators such as L => R and T => B. There are also lines that angle – it may look like to strokes, but it will be only one continuous line. There may also be hooks, though it is proper to include them, they are not always necessary.

Curves also move T => B and L => R.

There are some short strokes that go from right to left however.

Finally, there is one stroke that is B => T.

Also, connect unless it is specifically mentioned and when drawing characters with strokes in boxes, keep the strokes completely inside unless specifically mentioned. One line intersecting, rather than stopping at another line, along with making the wrong line shorter than another line can and often will change meaning of the character….not to mention that it’ll look messy.

Think you’ve got it now? One other thing that may help is that the characters are made up of simpler characters…..also, the way you write a certain character (a box) you know that it will always be written in that particular order. Oh, just one more thing…..if you can’t see the pics, reload the page or open up the graphic if you have your settings on no graphics. Otherwise, the steps are useless.

It would be ok for you to simply skip to the names you want to write, but I think it would help if you started at the beginning and worked your way thru.

Okay, let’s start with the easiest:
Shan Yu
Hua Mulan

The other names will be available as I create the pages:
Li Shang
Mushu Long

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