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Some believe him to be the genetic mainfestation of both wisdom and power.

Other's believe him to be the Guardian of the Dead the jackal headed deity known as Anubis, and yet still some consider him nothing, nothing more than a Mortal with unmeasured power and abilities. He considers himself to be no God, and/or Genetic manipulation of one..However he does carry that name because he believes he is who he is. Son to Isis and Osiris young Anubis fought to the early age of eight he noticed certain traits accustomed only to him. The ability to see and manipulate the Fears of others as well as the constant switch in the colors of his eyes...were apparent and, therefore he was feared for being some sort if "FREAK". At 12 he killed a man for abusing his own son, and that is when Kalus discovered young Anubis. Kalus tried to hone Anubis' abilities, as well as train him up as a Ninja, but Anubis' extraordinary gifts proved to be too, much for one man to contain..maintain if you will. Anubis then sought recluse in the Shadows..were he found it most comfortable, the shadows of Necropolis or the Underworld where his father appointed him ruler and guardian. It is here where young Anubis met his Wife and Beloved the High Priestess of Avalon..whose beauties together prove to stop even the warmest heart, and start even the coldest. There on A Wise man began to teach young Anubis of the worlds wisdom, and eager Anubis took all of what he learned...hungering for the knowledge. It was when he learned of the World, that his power began to become manifested into himself. 3 to 4 years after this time..Anubis' twin Ja-Kal was killed in the Wars of the evil and unrelenting Hireo En Tama. Who used Ja-kals own sword to severe his head. Anubis...then used a move which is unique to him for the first time...He used a heart punch on Tama punching a hole straight through his chest cavity and killing him instantly. Anubis then healed the head of His brother in attempt to bring him back, but his efforts were in vain. Now he lives with that pain everyday, and Has vowed along with the rest of The Warriors to destroy all whom dare oppose them!


Notice: The images used of Anubis and NightBlade are Azrael comic images, they fitted the image I was looking for so I found some sites and used them.
