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"Let me get this straight. You want some teenage girl to come on tour with us for three and a half months and do nothing." Kevin said as he rubbed his thumb and forefinger over the corner of his eyes. Two men in black suits from the firm sat across the five bandmates. They both sighed heavly. It was always Kevin that gave them trouble.

"No, you aren't listening. It will be a contest winner so it isn't guranteed to be a teenage girl." The taller man named Davis said.

AJ laughed out loud and all seven men turned to look at him. "Ninty nine percent of the people who enter this contest will probably be teenage girls. I can gurantee that."

Davis shook his head and looked down at the papers infront of him. "Fine, whatever. She wouldn't be doing nothing though." He said looking at Kevin. "She will be keeping a video and written diary of her expericene. She will also have to spend private time with each of you a few times during the tour so she can ask you some questions."

"So we're the new hit reality show then?" Nick asked.

The other man, Matthews, shook his head. "She'll act as a tour journalist. There will be video clips put up once a week on you website as well as her journal entries. Mtv's TRL has asked if they could show some of the clips as well. If that turns out to be a hit then there will be discussion at the end of the tour whether to put it all together as a home video."

The Unversity's campus was full of students walking to classes, studying quietly or hanging with a group of friends. Abigail Myers, or Abby is what she likes to be called, walked quietly by herself from her Media class to her dorm room. She stopped and talked to a few familiar faces and then was once again on her way.

When she enetred her building she heard faint sounds of girls arguing. Abby smiled and rolled her eyes. Tasha and Jamie were at it again. They lived down the hall and were both very sweet and funny girls when they were by themselves. They lived together and became good friends the first week of freshman year but they were both eaqually stubborn and now that i was thelast month of school in their sophmore year they were constantly at eachohthers throats.

Abby enterd her room and smiled at her room mate/best friend Lena. Abby became good friends with her freshman year in highschool. When they both got accepted to te same university the only logical thing to do was room together.

"Abbers, c'mere a sec." Lena said as she swivled around in the computer chair to face Abby.

Abby put her purse down on her bed and walked over next to Lena.

"What's up?"

"Read this." Lena said poitning to the compter screen.

It wasn't a suprise that it was a Backstreet Boys website. They both were fans. Of course they always were picked on about it buy their friends on their floor. They all called them they "teenybopper twins". Whatever. They both knew that they weren't. It never went past loving the music. Okay, so they were a little pissed when Bran got married and they've been known to drool at the siteof them but thats about it.

After Abby read what was on the screen she shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Abby, you could totally win this contest. You're an amazing writer. This would open so many doors for you." Lena said smiling.

"What kind of doors. Lena, I don't even know what I want to do anymore. This is just so silly. Do you know how many other people will enter this contest?"

Lena crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back into the chair as she watched Abby cross the room and sit on her bed. "Yeah, but it will be a bunch of teenyboppers. You have to write an eassy. You could totally blow everyone out of the water."

Abby pulled her feet up on the bed and tucked them under her body. "Okay, lets say I do win. I have to go on tour wih them all summer. I wanted to take summer classes."

Lena chuckled and rolled her eyes. "You nerd. Screw summer classes. If I had the chance tour with BSB for a whole summer the last thing i'd worry about would be classes."

Both girls were silent for a few moments before Abby sighed and stood. "Alright I'll do it. Get you're ass out of that chair."

Lena jumped up with a huge smile. "I knew I was persuasive.I should have went to law school."

Abby shook her head and pointed to the AJ poster abover her bed. "It wasn't you, it was that damn picture. I just kept thinking that I would ge to stair into those eyes for a whole summer." Lena laughed. "Oh, well if you win you bettr not touch Nick, he's mine."

Abby rolled her eyes and laughed. Yeah were not tennyboppers. She thought sarcastically.