Title: Arcadia: Scully's Point (1/1)
Author: Ms. AM Email:
ALMowry@pathway.netClassification: H, X
Rating: R/NC-17
Spoilers: Arcadia, season six
Keywords: UST, MSR
Archive: Anywhere just drop me a note.
Summary: My version of missing scenes. hehe
Disclaimer: If I owned 'em I wouldn't need one and the characters would have more fun.
Authors Notes: This is Scully's POV. (It's my first try at this kind of story, be gentle, please?)
As I am walking back with Kami, after finding Big Mike's caduceus. I try to keep my mind focused on why we are here, Mulder and I, that is.
But I am weak...I'll admit it...I Special Agent Dana Katherine Scully am W-E-A-K, weak. There, I said it. Mulder is enjoying himself just a little too much...Actually...so am I, but I won't *ever* admit that to him, no way, no how.
My mind flashes back to earlier today, I guess you *really* could say I started the sexually charged banter between us.
I was taking my coat off after getting rid of the 'Neighbors from hell' and Mulder was watching me, as usual, so I just kind of thrust my chest out a little more than was necessary to slip my coat down my arms.
Take that Mulder! His eyes widened at me...of course Mulder is never one to be outdone.
"You, ready?" I sort of breathlessly ask him. And I knew, I just *knew* what his response would be, with his trademark leer firmly in place.
"Let's *get* it on, honey."
OK, I'll admit the *honey* floored me a bit, so I knew I couldn't completely hide the smile playing at my lips, I'm just not *that* good an actress.
"Alright, then." I reply as I drop the rubber gloves into his hand.
A few moments pass as I walk around the house delivering my litany on the facts gathered, so far, about the case. I should have been ready, I *know* that now. As I am concluding my speech...WHOA her comes Mulder...just SLAMS one in there!
"You wanna make that honeymoon video *now*?" his eyebrows waggle at me suggestively.
DAMN HIM, now I have to remember to erase *that* line out of the video...So there I am, Mulder is officially one-up on me and before long he's two up.
I know. I just KNOW the longing my face held as he sat perched up on the kitchen counter delivering more humorous lines about *me* wanting to 'play house' and 'making him a sandwich.' I guess I should have been offended, but I was fantasizing a little...
OKAY, OKAY a lot, happy now! Thank God, the doorbell rings, I can make a hasty exit.
I pitch my gloves, aiming for Mulder's head and BINGO-
*SPLAT*...two points for me, DAMN I'm *good. * I knew growing up with two brothers would come in handy for at least *something. *
* * * * *
Then later on, sitting in the office of the 'Leslie Nielsen as Charles Manson' wannabe's office, with Mulder's arm around me, I patted his arm, sympathetically, playing the part. But the funny thing is, I don't remember why or how my hand got there the second time. I now realize upon some reflection that I put my hand on his to stop his movements.
I don't think he was doing it intentionally, then again with Mulder you never know. He was holding my upper arm, rather possessively, I might add, and he kept flexing his hand slightly.
We were sitting so close together I don't believe you could have slid a sheet of paper between us. Anyway, every time his hand would release his knuckles and thumb would rub against the side of my right breast.
It couldn't have been more than 10 or 15 seconds before...
OH SHIT! I could feel my nipples hardening, straining against the confines of my bra.
DAMN...I shouldn't be *THAT* sensitive to a light touch, so I put my hand over his. Miraculously his hand stopped moving I leave it there until I feel my palm starting to sweat a little and I pull away.
Then I fidget, yeah fidget, I haven't done *that* since, since high school. Well I guess my mouth *did* kind of just run on-and-on, during that Christmas Eve ghost business.
Nervous mouth fidgeting, yes that's what it was.
* * * * *
Well we're almost back to Wyn and Kami's place; I need to tell Mulder about the necklace and the sewer in front of Big Mike's house. So I'm going to have to get him out of there pretty fast, I know he's been grilling Wyn since us 'Women-folk' left.
So how *do* I end our evening with neighbors...
A smile spreads across my face...man, I *should* be growing horns, right here...right now. I figure it's time for payback...Mulder can dish it out, let's see if he can *REALLY* take it.
Kami and I walk back into the dining room and both men stand up, oh my...such gentleman.
"Sit down, please sit down while I go get dessert," Kami says on her way into the kitchen.
I stand for just a moment plotting my plan of attack. Mulder must see a glint in my eyes because he's watching me warily, questioningly...
I kind of saunter around the table till I'm standing behind Mulder. I drape my arms around his neck, Wyn is staring at me like maybe I *did* sprout those horns after all. He's still staring as I put my cheek beside Mulder's head my lips at his ear.
"Rob?" I semi-whisper.
"Y, yeah?" Mulder chokes out before gulping.
Cha-Ching! I'm making him nervous. I feel the almost imperceptible shudder run though Mulder's body. I think his mouth is dry too...since he reaches for the wine goblet and chugs down the remaining liquid.
Boy-oh-boy. Do I wish I could see the expression on Mulder's face for what I'm gonna do next.
Mulder has three or four buttons undone on his shirt, I notice he's gotten rid of the sweater vest, all the better, I fleetingly wonder where it is.
Well here goes nothing...
I s-l-o-w-l-y slide my right hand into his shirt, dragging my nails back and forth over the middle of his chest. My other hand plays with his hair.
"Rob...darling? I *really* don't want any dessert...do *you*...hmm?" I lightly run my lips over his ear as I speak in a hushed tone.
I know my breath is warm and moist. I can feel Mulder's skin break out into a cold sweat, his respiration's quicken.
Kami comes back into the room carrying a tray with some kind of cake; she looks at Wyn then at Mulder and I.
"Kami, I think Rob and I are going to skip dessert."
"Oh...well I understand," she replies. Sounding more relieved than disappointed.
Mulder *still* hasn't moved or spoken. *God* he's almost catatonic...well *this* should get him moving.
"C'mon...darling...Let's see what we can *do* about..." I drop my voice so *only* Mulder can hear, "That honeymoon video." I finish and gently use my teeth to tug on his earlobe before flicking my tongue out and licking it once.
You'd have thought I poured a glass full of ice cubes down Mulder's pants due to the groan he admits and his sudden lurching out of the chair.
The idiot almost knocks me down standing up so suddenly. He *does* manage to knock over all the remaining glasses on the table...I'm not sure if he hit his knees or what. Next thing I know he's grabbed his vest, my hand and we're heading for the door.
"Uh...Sorry about the mess...uh thanks for dinner...we gotta go!" he yells out over his shoulder as we walk out the door.
Once we're outside Mulder drops my hand like a hot potato and takes off for *our* house. Leaving me standing there.
Gee...was it something *I* said?
Guess Mulder isn't two-up on me anymore. Nope *I* do believe I just tied it up...
Chuckling to myself I follow after Mulder, I've still got to tell him about what I found....
The End
Coming Soon: Arcadia Mulder's Musings!