Things I Love

Here's some things that I really love! I will be adding to this too!
Sleeping. Sleeping has to be my most favorite hobby in the whole world! I get more sleep then anyone I know. I'm telling you what, I am the most UNMORNING person I know! No one knows anyone worse in the mornings then me. I'm terrible in the morning! And I DO love to sleep!

Chocolate! Chocolate is SOO my friend! I love it to death!

Cashews. Only my really good friends know how much I love my cashwes. I am completely obsessed with them! It's awful!

Stuffed Animals. Yep I still  love stuffed animals believe it or not. Here I am, 15 years old, still loving them. But that's ok!

Music. I LOVE music. I have my radio on 24/7. Either that or one of the many cd's I have! My sterio's great!

Shopping. Shopping is awesome! I love going shopping! And the cool thing is that my mom is a manager out at one of the stores in one of the malls near here, so I get free stuff and discounts from every store in the whole mall!