October 24, 2000: Hey people!! Nothing much is going on here just getting ready for colleges, I've already been accepted into the 2 colleges I want to go to, yesterday I auditioned for the Dance Major at the one college it went really well I think!! Tomorrow is my mom and dad's anniversity so Happy Anniversity to them!! Happy Halloween to everyone!!
October 3,2000-Hey!!! It's once again October!! On the 7th of this month starts the annual Autumn Leaf Festival!! It's a week long thing it's the best!! I saw Hanson in concert on September 25th In Pittsburgh it was great!!! Our football team is doing great this year we can go all the way guys!!!
August 25, 2000-Today is my 18th Birthday!! yeah I'm finally an adult!!! =) Today I opened my own checking accout it's really exciting!! I haven't really been doing much of anything besides working and cheerleading! School starts Monday yuck!! Oh well I guess I'm ready to go back I only have one more year left and college here I come!! Welp enjoy the rest of your summer vacation!!
August 1, 200: Sorry I haven't written here!! I guess I just didn't have anything to say! July flew by soooo fast!! I got my senior pics done on the 19th and when I get them back I'll post them on my pic page...I've also been visiting colleges, working, going out with my friends, and seeing Nsync!! We saw Nsync on July 16th in Pittsburgh and we had GREAT seats!! We were 13 rows from the stage!! It was an awesome concert!! I think we're going to see Hanson in September! I can't believe school starts at the end of this month...I'm going to be a senior *Cries* Welp Everyone have a great month of August and have fun in school!!
July 2, 2000: Can you belive it's already July!! This summer is flying!! The only thing I've really been doing lately is working.....I don't mind it because it gives me money!! I'm also going to take my driving test so I can get my license it's about time huh?!?! I have my senior pictures July 19th and I'm really excited!! I love getting my picture taken!!! Welp I hope everyone has a great summer and month of July!
June 18, 2000: Hello everyone!! Its been awhile since I've updated!! I started working at Eatn Park last week I'm a bus person!! It isn't that bad I actually enjoy it! I'm not nuts but then again I've only worked 3 days! =) I'm susppoed to go out tonight to Club V, but I'm waiting for my friend to call! Nothing much is going on here I get Confirmed Next Weekend I'm excited no more Sunday School! Welp have a great summer everyone bye!!
June 1, 2000: Today was my last day of school!! I'm finally a senior!! Not really one yet but close enough!! =) This summer I really don't have anything planed, I just have Dance and Cheerleading Camp in August and N'Sync concert is July. I hope everyone enjoys their last days of school and have a great summer!!
May 25,2000: Tomorrow is the last day of school for the seniors...our last day of school is June 1st! I can't wait this year went by REALLY fast! I can't believe it, next year I'll be a senior! *cries* then I'll be off to college and living on my own....okay I'll stop thinking of that! Our dance recital was last weekend it went really well!! I'll be adding pics of that soon!! Welp enjoy the final days of school buh bye!!
May 11, 2000-Hello Everyone! Welp Cheerleading tryouts are over and I made it for Football, Basketball, and Wrestling! My sister made it too!! New York City was a lot of FUN!! We went to NBC Studios where we had a HOTT tour guide named John M, we also saw John Goodman rehearsing SNL. We went to Planet Hollywood, saw Footloos, MTV Studios, Virgin Mega Store, Mars 2112, Empire State Building, Central Park, Statue of Libery, Battery Park, and lots of other things! I'll be adding pictures of New York and when we went bowling with Eatn Park. Speaking of that I bowled 2 Strikes in a row and I had another turn so Norma Jean told me I was beating Tyrel and she goes "Kill Him" and I went to throw my ball and it flew out of my hand and headed for Tyrel it was funny because I didn't mean for that to happen, I guess you had to be there! =) Welp have a great week! I know I will, this Friday is Prom and next weekend is my Dance Rectial.
May 3rd-I know I know I haven't written anything here in a LONG time!! Sorry!! This week is Cheerleading tryouts! I'm really excited I love cheerleading! My back hurts from the back walkovers but other than that I'm peachy!! This weekend May 5-7 I'll be in New York City with the Marching Band! I'm soooooooo EXCITED!! We get to see everything in NYC....and Hanson is going to be there this weekend too, maybe I'll get to see them! (probably not) =) Welp have a great week and great month of May!!
April 1, 2000-We're going to see *Nsync July 16th in Pittsburgh!! I am soooooo excited!! We went to Butler to get the tickets and we got GREAT seats!! We're really close to the stage! Last Wednesday we had a wrestling banquet at school and I Lettered in Cheerleading and got a cheerleading pin, got a trophy and a wrestling t-shirt! I was sooooo happy!! Little things thrill me! =) Tonight I'm going to see "Whatever It Takes" I heard it's really funny! I also saw "Here On Earth" last weekend it was a sad movie! I cried. Welp have a great April and see ya later!
March 24, 2000-This Saturday tickets for Nsync's 2000 tour are going on sale! I'm so excited we might be getting Great seats!! (well I hope so anyway) My sister got a job at Eatn Park, I need a job but I'm too lazy to get one, So my dad said I can do work around the house. May 4-7 we'll be in New York City with the band, I'm so excited! This Saturday we're going shopping in Pittsburgh, I wanted to look for a Prom dress but my mom said I need a date before I can go, because she doesn't want to spend alot of money on a dress and not have a date....Plus the Prom is May 12th and we'll be in NYC the weekend before and we might not have enough money! So if anyone wants to go to the Prom with me call and I'll talk ya! =) Welp have a great weekend!!
March 8, 2000-Nothing is going on here in my little world. My friend Vanessa went to get her tonsils out today! I hope she gets better soon!! I'm in school now and I have nothing to do so I'm like "I'll go update my homepage" so here I am! Tomorrow i'm going to my schools Play it's called "Cheaper By the Dozen" I heard it's going to be really good and REALLY funny!! This weather is soooo nice!! It's like 75 Degrees today! Then it's suspposed to get colder!! "BOO" Oh well I'll deal with it I guess!! Welp better go enjoy the rest of my homepage see ya!!
February 26, 2000-Today I went to Pittsburgh to see Hanson at the Monroville Mall. It was CRAZY!! There were ALOT of people there and they weren't prepared for all these people. Hanson came out at 11:45 and did a short interview and then played twister which was pointless because all Hanson did was spin and it was twice. Then after they were done they went from the stage to the side where you could get an autograph, and everyone rushed over there and when they came everyone was pushing and we got caught in the front and the guards were telling us to back up but we couldn't because no one behinde us would back up and it felt like you were getting smashed to death!! My sister passed out because she was so hot (plus she was sick) and the guard grabbed her and my friend when with her and I turn around and yell to my mom and the crowed wouldn't let her through and then I tried to get through but the guard held me back saying I couldn't and he tought I wanted to see Hanson but I wanted to get to my sister and I yelled at him and by this time I was crying and he's like "there's a wheelchair coming" and he didn't care about anyone but that girl in the wheelchair, I know she needs special help but she had like 10 guards around her. And then he finally let me through and I walked by the table where Hanson was and Taylor looked over and me and saw that I was crying, He probably thought I was crying for him. In the end Hanson had to leave early because the crowed was out of hand and people chased after them and it was nothing but CRAZY!! My sister is fine, incase anyone wants to know! =) At least I got to see Hanson up close, but didn't get to meet them!
February 9, 2000-Geez I haven't added anything to this page since the beginning of last month!! I don't get around to doing things I guess =) Welp nothing much is going on here in good old Clarion, PA. Wrestling season is almost over so that means cheerleading is done until try-outs in May. We're practicing our dance for the rectial in May, it's going to be a great dance, I love it!! =) I'm also teaching older people how to use the internet and get familar with computers, it's really fun and it helps me with my patience! Welp have a good Valentines Day and don't forget there's still time to get me something! J/K!!
January 1, 2000-Happy 2000!! I can't belive it's the year 2000!!! I never thought I'd live to see this!! =) Only one more year until the year 2001 and thats when I graduate!! ALRIGHT!! I hope everyone had a great New Years! My sister and I had a party at our house it was really fun!! We had the best time!! Stay cool and remember it's 2000 not 1999!! =)
December 24, 1999- Merry Christmas Everyone!! Tomorrow is Christmas!! I can't belive how it came so fast!!! It doesn't feel like Christmas, I guess because there's no snow on the ground! Have a great New Year!! I hope nothing happens at 12:00am! =) I don't think it will but ya never know!! I'm having all my friends come over to my house and we're going to party like crazy!! Well have a great Holiday!! =) <3Ashley
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!! I had a good one! I went to my grandma Reed's and had alot of good stuff to eat!! Yes its Thanksgiving Vacation no school for a couple days!! We go back to Tuesday!! Everyone have a good Vacation and have fun!!
I'm going to New York City May 7-9 for band!!! I'm so excited!! I've never been there, we get to see a show and eat at the Planet Hollywood I'm really excited!! Anyway besides that I'm so stressing out about college I don't know where to go and what to do it's causing me nothing to do but worry!!! AHHHHH oh well right now i'm just thinking about NYC I'm really exicted!!! hehe! =)
October 29, 1999: Sorry I haven't updated in a long time!!! Alot has been going on here we had our annual Pops Concert Tuesday night for choir, and my schools football team is now a KSAC champ and we're off to Distric 9 play offs!!! yea!!! I got my school pictures today they turned out good at least I think, i'll be adding a pic page soon so make sure you come back and check that out!!! School has been going good, it's going by really fast I can't belive that!! Well dont want to write too much bye!! -Ashley Stay cool!
October 2, 1999-Today I saw Chris Kirkpatrick from *N Sync. He was the Grand Marshel at our annual Autumn Leaf Festival (ALF) parade. I'm in the ALF prade for marching band at my school and we were lined up at the Clarion College and I heard girls screaming and then they go running up to the Dining Hall where Chris was at a breakfast held for him. Anyway about 12 right before the parade started I saw Chris get into the Army Truck and they came down right in front of our band and my sister and I ran up to the front of the band and Chris was waving at everyone and he looked over at us smiled and waved!!! Man I was soooooooooooo happy!! My sister was REALLY excited!! He was right in front of us too bad he wasn't behinde us, (I was in the back of the band) I would of died!! But I'm glad he came back to his hometown!
September 22, 1999:Long time no update!! Not a whole lot has happend to me except my bunny Sassy died Monday! I miss her a lot but she's up in Heaven with my cat Mittens and they'll be waiting for me when I get up there!! School has been going by fast I can't belive it!! I love Friday night football games, this week we're playing Clarion Limestone (CL) I heard their not very good. If we make the play offs this year we're going the whole way to Hershey PA thats about 4 hours from Clarion. Chris Kirkpatrick if coming October 2nd for the ALF parade I'm excited!!
I've been in school for a week now!! ahhhhh!!! It doesn't seem like it!! Tomorrow I get to miss school because I'm going out and selling ads for yearbook I can't wait!!! Friday night we're playing Union we're gonna kick thier butts!! I can't wait I love football games. Homecoming is October 15th and i'm trying to get a date I haven't asked anyone, and I don't think I will but we'll see I'm not too sure!! hehe!! Well have a good week at school!!!!
August 30, 1999-Today was my first day of school. It wasn't really bad, it went by really fast!!! We have alot of new kids in our school I didn't think they wanted to come to Clarion!!!! j/k We have this boy that's in our class who came from Brazil he seems cool but I haven't really talked to him. I have most of the calsses with my friends but one class I don't have any of them, so I guess I'll just make new ones! =)WEll I hope everyone has have at school!!