Here's a little advice on life
Life doesn’t always work the way we’d like it to. If we had our way, it would be easier,consistently fair, and more fun. There’d be no pain and suffering, we wouldn’t have to worked, and we wouldn’t have to die. We’d be happy all the time. Unfortunately, we don’t get our way. We get reality instead. But reality is a great teacher. It helps us learn, often slowly and painfully, some of life’s most valuable lessons. One of them is this: THE WORLD WILL NOT DEVOTE ITSELF TO MAKING US HAPPY.
Whether we like it or not, this is one of life’s great truths, one of our first and most valuable lessons in reality. Philosophers have argued for thousands of years as to why life works the way it does, but that’s not our concern. Our concern is how it works. IF WE DON’T UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT LIFE AS IT IS, WE’LL KEEP WISHING FOR SOMETHING ELSE AND NEVER GET IT. WE’LL KEEP COMPLAINING AND WHINING ABOUT THE WAY THINGS SHOULD BE, BUT NEVER WILL BE. This is one of life’s most valuable lessons because once we understand that the world won’t devote itself to making us happy, we begin to accept responsibility for ourselves.
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