7-25-99---I added this updates page! I added my bodybuilding, and general links pages! I added my Kurt Vonnegut, Colin Powell, and Ayn Rand pages!
7-26-99---I updated the Ayn Rand and Kurt Vonnegut pages!
7-27-99---I added 3 links to the bodybuilding page!
7-31-99---I added pictures of Ayn Rand, Kurt Vonnegut, Colin Powell, and Arnold Schwarzenegger to their respective pages! I also created MY OWN RULES PAGE!
8-1-99---I updated the Kurt Vonnegut Page, and added my POETRY PAGE! I also added my TRAINING PHILOSOPHIES PAGE! I added pictures to the bodybuilder's gallery!
8-2-99---I added 3 hilarious jokes and put up a few more links that hopefully will make me a little money!
8-3-99---I added some jokes, and links, to the joke page! I put up some more money-making links on the index page! Click on 'em!!
8-6-99---I changed the index page to have a picture of me instead of Arnold! I created a form for everybody to fill out when they visit my site!
8-8-99---I added links to the Ayn Rand and Bodybuildling Pages! And, I added my GUIDE TO GOVERNMENT PAGE!!
8-18-99---I added the link to Debra's (this cool girl I met at FISH CAMP '99) home page! I also added the poem OUR RIDE!!
8-27-99---I changed my E-MAIL ADDRESS TO bma7512@labs.tamu.edu AND added my PAM'S PAGE!!!
9-9-99---I updated my INDEX PAGE to include some new info about me!!!
11-22-99---Well, it's been a while. Look at my favorite COLLEGE PICTURES!! I also added a POEM!!