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My General Lee Mini Photo Album
The Other General Lee
Some Information On General Lee And Some Quotes
    Robert Edward Lee was an outstanding general who commanded the Confederate Army in the Civil War. He is one of the most beloved figures in Southern American History. Lee is famous for his military achievements as Confederate commander.  He faced overwhelming odds in the war.  He was also noted for his outstanding personal character.  Lee fought for one section of the young nation, but the struggle didn't make him intolerant. He fought, not for personal gain, but to prove himself worthy of a case. Union General Grant, to whom Lee was finally forced to surrender, said about Lee: "There wasn't a man in the Confederacy whose influence with the whole people was as great as his."

    Unlike President Abraham Lincoln, who led the North in
the Civil War, Lee was not a self-made man. Lee's family
was the leading family of Virginia, and one of the most
distinguished in the nation. A kinsman, Thomas Lee, had
served as royal governor of the colony. Lee was also
related to Francis Light foot Lee and Richard Hurry Lee,
who had been statesmen and soldiers in Revolutionary
War days. His father, Henry Lee, known as ''Light- Horse
Harry,'' was a brilliant cavalry commander in the
Revolutionary War.

    Robert E. Lee was 5 feet 10 in a half inches tall. He had
commanding appearance-straight, alert, and intelligent.
He was never known to smoke, drink alcoholic beverages,
or use profane language.

    Robert E. Lee was born in Stratford Hall, near Montross
Virginia on January 19, 1807. He grew up with a deep
devotion to country life and to his native state, which
continued throughout his life. He was a serious boy and
spent many hours in his father's library. In 1825 he
entered the United States Military Academy at West Point.

    He married Mary Randolph Custis, Martha Washington's
great-granddaughter. And had seven children.

    When war broke out between the United States and
Mexico in 1846, the army sent Lee to Texas to serve as
assistant engineer under General John E. Wool. All his
superior officers, were impressed with the brave young

    Unlike many Southerners, Lee didn't believe in slavery.
Long before the war, he had freed the few slaves whom he
has inherited. Lee greatly admired George Washington,
and hated the thought of a divided nation.

    Lee had great difficulty in deciding whether to stand by his
native state or remain with the Union, even though Lincoln
offered him the field command of the United States Army.

    Lee could have had many positions of wealth, but he chose
to spend his last years as president of Washington College
in Lexington, Virginia. Young men from all parts of the

South flocked to ''General Lee's school,'' which was named
Washington and Lee University after his death.

    Lee urged his students and friends to keep the peace and
accept the outcome of the war. His attitude was extremely
important at a time when bitterness and hatred swept both
North and South.

    His health began to fail in 1870, and, after a brief illness,
he died on October 2, 1870. Lee is buried in the chapel he
built on the campus in Lexington, along with other
members of the Lee family. Lee's birthday is a holiday in
most Southern states.

    Lee could have had many positions of wealth, but he chose
to spend his last years as president of Washington College
in Lexington, Virginia. Young men from all parts of the
South flocked to ''General Lee's school,'' which was named
Washington and Lee University after his death.

    Lee urged his students and friends to keep the peace and
accept the outcome of the war. His attitude was extremely
important at a time when bitterness and hatred swept both
North and South.

    His health began to fail in 1870, and, after a brief illness,
he died on October 2, 1870. Lee is buried in the chapel he
built on the campus in Lexington, along with other
members of the Lee family. Lee's birthday is a holiday in
most Southern states.

"Grant is not a retreating man. Gentlemen, the Army of the Potomac has a head."
                        -General Lee
"It is a good thing that man made war so utterly terrible, lest we grow too fond of it. "
                          -General Lee
"Duty is the sublimest word in the language. You can never do more than your duty and you should
never do less."
                              -General Lee

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