Put My Fire Out

There was a kid who's father promised to take him to a whore house to get a whore on his 16th birthday, So, the day arrived and off they went.

Dad says to his son,"I'll be back soon, call if you have any questions."

So an hour later the phone rings and it's the boy to his dad. "dad" he says," She's laying naked on the bed and she has her legs apart. She keeps telling me she's ready and to take her! What do I do?"

So dad says," son, get undressed too, and just put your head where she pee's".

So a few hours later the father goes back to pick up the boy and the place is surrounded by police, firfighters, and the bomb squad.

The dad asks an officer what happened.

"Oh- some dumb ass horny naked kid stuck his head in the toilet and he's stuck".....