FORM AL1040 Alchoholic tax return Filing status --------------------------------------------| Your social disease #___ __ ____ | __divorced __divorced twice __getting divorced Scribble name(yours)and address(if any) name__________________________________ address_______________________________ AA residency status __street Closest liquor est.#____ __de-tox __local mission 1, Money found 1,__________ 2, Money borrowed(not returned) 2,__________ 3, Money stolen 3,__________ 4, Estimated value of drinks bought for you 4,__________ 5, Have someone add lines 1 through 4 for you and enter total on line 5. This is your average income. 5,__________ 6, Money acctually worked for 6,__________ 7, Have someone subtract line 6 from line 5 and enter difference on line 7, if 6 is greater than 5 start over YOU GOOFED! This is your avg taxable income 7,__________ EXEMPTIONS 8, Monies recieved from Welfare, Misc. Charities, Barbetting, Handouts, etc. 8,__________ 9, Monies lost due to holes in pockets 9,__________ 10,Monies payed out for Hangover medication (Real medication not hair of the dog) 10,__________ 11,Have someone add lines 9 and 10 and enter total on line 11 11,__________ 12,Have someone subtract line 11 from line 8 and enter difference on line 12 12,__________ BUMMER, that's taxable too. You'd better have another drink bud. DEDUCTABLES 13,Enter sales tax payed on alchoholic beverages (attach reciepts) 13,__________ 14,Getting the hang of it yet? Good,then subtract line13 from line 12 and enter the difference on line 14 14,__________ 15,Add lines 7 and 14 and enter total on line 15, this is your avg. exepted deducted something like that income 15,__________ ADJUSTMENTS 16,Enter amount of child support acctually paid 16,__________ --------------- 17,Subtract line 16 fron line 15 and enter the difference on line 17 17,__________ WHAT YOU OWE!!!! 18,Reenter the amount on line 17 on line 18. This is the measally amount that we will add on to your back taxes since you've already drank it anyway 18,__________ SIGNED______________________ Now go take your frustrations out on your loved ones, or (since noone probably loves you a total stranger will suffice. Then go have a drink on us, We've already had a few on you. See you at the audit. Your's truly, ALCTAX ou. See you at the audit.