Drinkers Alphabet

A- Alcohol: The key to surviving college

B- Beer: The most disgusting alcohol of all, but great for chugging

C- Class: What you're supposed to get up and go to after a Thursday night party

D- Dancing: A favorite pastime of almost every drunk, usually looks pathetic

E- Emergency: The keg is empty or there is no one over 21 in your drinking party

F- Fucked Up: Signified by leaning over a toilet puking your guts out

G- Games: Anything that involves cards, dice and chugging beers

H- Hang-over: Reminds you of how great last night was and how much you drank

I- Idiot: The guy that spilled his beer on you and everyone else at the party

J- Jail: Where you'll end up after trying to use a fake ID or stagger home

K- Kissing: What you'll do to anything that moves after 15 beers

L- Lord: Person you beg to get you out of every situation involving alcohol

M- Money: That which you no longer have due to too much partying

N- Not Again!: What you scream when you wake up beside someone you don't know

O- Oh shit! What you say as you're falling down the stairs.

P- Pee: What you have to do every five minutes while you're drinking beer

Q- quilt: What you puked on last night in bed and have to clean in the morning-YUCK!

R- Reform: What you promise god you will do while you're puking in the toilet

S- Sex: What you did with that person you met last night while you were drunk

T- Ten: The number of beers it takes ME to get drunk

U- Underage: Most of the drinking population in college town

V- Vodka: The mother of all alcohols and the best way to get drunk in an hour

W- Worm: The part of Tequila that reminds you of Biology class tomorrow

X- X-Ray: How they can see into your stomach before they pump it

Y- Yourself: The one who drinks WAY TOO MUCH every week-end

Z- Zoned: How you will be for the next 12 hours following drinking