Signs You Pet is Planning to Over Throw You

The Labels on your Tuna and the Dog Food are switched.

The fish huddle in the back of the aquarium constantly.

The cats are using a file to sharpen their claws and are muttering "Soon....soon..."

You catch your dog placing a "Bite Me" sign on your butt as you take it for a walk.

When you walk in the room, your dog says "Gotta go" and hangs up the phone.

Your dogs start chasing their tails and PRESTO, you're almost tied up with the leash.

Your driver to work is Toonces the Driving Cat.

You find Secret Documents that detail a Bay of Pigs II invasion with the title of THIS ONE WON'T FAIL!!!

A large group of animals are in your yard with torches and pitchforks and their leader is Babe, the Talking Pig.

You swear when you pass by the dog you hear him mutter "Man's Best Friend, Yeah Right."