PUKE! - Recycle this!- A fraternity buddy of mine had his 21st a couple of weeks ago. Of course he was going through his 21 shots and around 17, he lost it. The first stream hit the table. He then turned to the trash can right next to him (we do try to think a head). Well after cleaning up in the bathroom and finishing his puking, he, like the trooper he is, went back to finishing his 21 shots. Unfortunately, trying to be a man, he picked up what should have been the next shot and threw it back. What he didn't realize was that it was an empty that became full when he puked. Talk about funny. It sent several people running for the bathroom to vomit. He finished his shots and was carried home. The next day, he asked what kind of shot PUKE was. We had to fill him in on what he did.