Eleven signs you're at a redneck wedding 11. Preacher keeps getting interrupted by train whistles. 10. Members of the wedding party dressed in matching Realtree camo. 9. Five-year-old ring bearer is the only one who isn't carrying a gun. 8. Reception buffet includes a bowl of BBQ pork rinds. 7. Couple drops candle lighting ceremony in favor of sharing the unity toothpick. 6. People shouting 'hey cuz' to everyone they meet are not just being friendly. 5. Vehicle with "Just Married" painted on it also has a 12-point buck tied to the fender. 4. Couple is already arguing over whose bass boat to take on the honeymoon. 3. Live band cancelled in favor of the McDonald's Winston Cup simulator. 2. Reception ends early so the bride can attend high school graduation ceremony. ...and the number one new sign you're at a redneck wedding... Among the things opened at the reception: several cans of whoop-ass.