Duffy is tending bar one Monday when two nuns walk in. "Sisters, I'm surprised to see you both here."
One nun replied, "Why is that?"
Duffy said, "To be honest, we don't get a lot of nuns in this bar."
The nun said, "We wanted to minister to fallen souls, and figured that this would be the best place to find them."
Duffy said, "Okay," and set them up with two waters.
The next day, Duffy's tending bar when two rabbis walk in. "I've got to say," said Duffy, "I'm really surprised to see you two here."
One rabbi replied, "Why is that?" "To be honest, we don't get a lot of rabbis in this bar."
"The synagogue is closed for repairs, and we needed a quiet place to debate rabbinical law."
Duffy said, "Okay," and set them up with two sodas.
The next day, Duffy is tending bar when two Irish priests walk in.
Duffy said, "Fathers, I must say I'm really surprised to see you two in here."
One priest replied, "And why is that, my son?"
Duffy answers, "Because you usually don't come in until the weekend."