>>>> Top 22 sign that you are suffering from semester burnout >>>> >>>> >>>> 22: You hope for the Apocolypse because you just don't feel like doing >>>> your homework anymore. >>>> >>>> 21: You alphabetize your CD collection just so you have something else >>>> to do besides writing your 5 page paper. >>>> >>>> 20: zupi [it upit gomhrtd pm yjr etpmg lrud ejrm upi yu[r upit [s[rt smf >>> >>>> fpmt ts;ovr oy nrvsidr upit bodopm od fpp n;ittrf/ >>>> (you put your fingers on the wrong keys when you write your paper and >>>> don't realize it because your vision is so blurred.) >>>> >>>> 19: You have a tough time deciding which class to skip so that you can >>>> get time to eat. >>>> >>>> 18: Small things like hearing Hootie and the Blowfish on the radio >>>> immediately make you want to kill someone. >>>> >>>> 17: Your teacher complains about something that you did wrong and you >>>> start laughing hysterically in her face for no apparent reason. >>>> >>>> 16: You are so tired that you answer the phone with "Hell". >>>> >>>> 15: Your Mom calls to ask how you've been and you scream "Get off my >>>> back bitch!" >>>> >>>> 14: When your parents inquire about grades you sing the cookie monster >>>> song "C is for cookie and that's good enough for me..." >>>> >>>> 13: Your desk workspace area consists of a bar stool, blender, and >>>> "flasks" of various strong scented drinks. >>>> >>>> 12: You pray for a World War Three so you can get out of school for a >>>while. >>>> >>>> 11: You wake up to discover that your bed is on fire but go back to >>>> sleep because you just don't care anymore. >>>> >>>> 10: You have so much on your mind that you've forgotten how to pee. >>>> >>>> 09: You sleep more in class than you do in your own home. >>>> >>>> 08: You leave for a party and instinctively bring your bookbag. >>>> >>>> 07: You think about blowing up the power plant so that you won't be able >>> >>>> to have classes for at least a day. >>>> >>>> 06: Visions of the upcoming weekend help get you through Monday. >>>> >>>> 05: Did somebody mention contaminating the campus water supply? >>>> >>>> 04: Your answering machine message states: "YOU ARE BREAKING MY >>>> CONCENTRATION, NEVER CALL HERE AGAIN !" >>>> >>>> 03: You realize that nobody will hear your answering machine message >>>> because nobody calls you anymore because all your friends think that you >>>> are stuck up for never having time to talk to them. >>>> >>>> 02: You spend all of your free time writing stupid lists to e-mail to >>>> people so they know that you are still alive somewhere on campus. >>>> >>>> 01: You think about how relaxing it would be if only you were in jail >>>> right now.