COLLEGE STUDENT DAILY SCHEDULE 6:45 roommate** gets phone call, stumbles about, wakes me 7:30 roommate's alarm 1, wakes me 7:45 (version 1)roommate stumbles out of bed to shower wakes me 8:00 roommate comes back and bustles about thus keeping me awake 8:20 roommate leaves for breakfast 8:30 (version 2)roommate overslept, scrambles about for class, keeping me awake for the duration of the rest of my sleepytime 8:37 alarm 1 (hit snooze) 8:41 alarm 2 (hit snooze) 8:47:59 lunge towards the alarm to avoid the piercing agony 8:49 fall off bed 8:50 bathe 9:00 make coffee 9:10 wake up 9:20 realize class starts soon, begin to look for pants 9:29 realize will be late for class, put on pants 9:30 search for shoes, coat, etc., realize no time to brush teeth 9:32 slither past scary maintenance man coming out of bathroom, briefly wonder why he looks so happy 9:35 arrive at class, third one there 9:40 music theory fun at last, ten minutes down already 10:00 begin praying for merciful death 10:45 class out early, rush home to nap 11:00 roommate comes home, neglects to look in other bed, blasts gangsta rap 11:10 realize nap is inevitably ruined, fume 11:45 roommate leaves for lunch, resume nap 11:50 friend calls to inquire about lunch plans, nap foiled again 12:00 knock on door, friend arrives, frantic search for pants 12:15 ewwwwwwwwwwwww sodexho 12:30 search again for sustenance 12:31 bitter disappointment sets in 12:45 queasy sodexho feeling overwhelmed by hatred of theory class 12:59 arrive at class two steps ahead of professor 1:00 listen to sappy romantic period tonal music, movement 1 1:20 movement 2 1:45 movement 3, daily contemplation: why? 2:10 movement 4, oh the pain; teaching asst. arrives 2:15 fun with dr. beat (creative melodic dictation) 2:30 dr. beat gives up, rush home to nap 3:00 head for computer lab 3:10 greet my lifeless loser computer geek friends 3:45 begin to dread band 4:00 begin to openly blasphemies band 4:15 attempt to open locker containing horn with careful accurate turns of the dial. 4:17 fucking lock won't fucking open 4:19 attempt to access horn with randomly generated numerical sequence 4:20 rush upstairs, who needs to warm up, we're all perfect 4:45 send hate waves at conductor till approximately 5:00 rush home madly for simpsons, spread homework on floor 6:00 marriott, part deux, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 7:00 gather homework and head to work 8:00 still not working 9:00 still not working 9:35 realize there are less than twelve hours left, start working 9:45 quit early 10:00 rush home to find roommate masturbating, hide with neighbors 10:30 check room, eeeek still, continue hiding 11:00 blissful vegetation 12:00 send any visitors away, bathe 1:00 sleeeeeeep in the hideous pulsating blue glow from roommate's new lava lamp