Golf Joke

Jeb was an avid golfer his entire life. As he got into his sixties, his eyes started to fail him. He didn't want to give the game up, so he went to see the family eye doctor.

The doctor said there wasn't much he could do, but he new of a 97 year old man who still had perfect sight, could see like an eagle. The doctor gave Jeb the old man's name and suggested that Jeb could use him to watch where he hit his golf ball.

Jeb, of course, didn't believe the doctor. The old guy was almost a century old, but could see like an eagle !!??

Well Jeb made arrangements to bring Wilbur golfing. On the first tee, Jeb drove his ball about 200 yards, but of course, he couldn't see where it went.

He asks Wilbur, "Did you see my shot?"

To which Wilbur replied, "Sure did."

Jeb asked, "Where did it go?"