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More on Conditioning...

by Tony D'Amato

from the Archmere 2000 Conditioning Manual

The purpose of conditioning is to get you into playing shape and to increase speed and agility. We train both the anaerobic and the aerobic energy systems to develop cardiovascular fitness and endurance. Some form of conditioning will be done at least three times weekly. Each workout should begin with a light jog for about ¼ to ½ mile as a warm-up. Be sure to break a sweat. Perform some light stretching for about 3-5 minutes, and then do the assigned workout. When finished, walk or jog for a few minutes to cool down, and then begin the regular flexibility program. Remember that all training is HIGH INTENSITY and all sprints should be ran as fast as physically possible. For example, if you are assigned 10 40-yard sprints, never pace yourself in the beginning and then run hard at the end. Go all out all the time.

Rest Intervals:
300 yard sprint: rest 2:00 between sprints
110 yard sprint: rest 1:00 between sprints
40 yard sprint: rest 0:20 between sprints
20 yard sprint: rest 0:15 between sprints
gaser: rest 0:30 between sprints
240 yard shuttle: rest 1:00 between sprints
60 yard shuttle: rest 0:20 between sprints
Pro agility: rest 15 seconds between drills
W drill: rest 15 seconds between drills
5 yard line drill: rest 30 seconds between drills
Four corner drill: rest 30 seconds between drills


gaser: sprint across the width of the football field four times (up, back, up, back)

240 yard shuttle: begin at the goal line, run to the 20 and back, 40 and back, and opposite 40 and back.

60 yard shuttle: begin at the goal line, run to the 5 and back, 10 and back, and 15 and back.

Pro agility: begin by straddling the 5 yard line in a three point stance, turn and sprint to the left, and touch the 10 yard line with your left hand. Immediately sprint to the right and touch the goal line with your right hand, then turn left and sprint through the 5 yard line.

W drill: place nine cones or dots on the ground in the shape of two w's. Begin this drill by backpedaling to a cone, sprinting to the next, backpedaling, sprinting, etc in a zig-zag fashion.

5 yard line drill: In a five yard area, sprint (forward and backward) or lateral shuffle back and forth as fast as possible. Touch as many lines as possible in 30 seconds.

Four corner drill: Beginning in the lower left corner, sprint to the top left and carioca to the top right corner. At the top right sprint backwards to the bottom right, and then shuffle back to the lower left corner. Go around as many times as possible in 30 seconds.